Tag Archives: herself-instead

Lena Dunham and Taylor Swift Have Horrible Parties of the Day

This was what happened when Lena and I found out that there is a rap song called 'Lena Dunham'. @lenadunham A video posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Nov 11, 2014 at 8:35am PST There is no rhyme or reason to celebrities, or how the operate, or how their secret, obnoxious, society works. I just think they are all a bunch of suck up idiots who hang out with each other, feed each others egos, and validate each other by hanging out together, while probably secretly hating each other, talking shit about each other, because ultimately, they are egos of their own, and in being egos of their own, they are conditioned to only love themselves…which in Lena Dunham’s case is too bad, because I’d rather see her kill herself instead…you know since she’s a fucking monster… If you’re not into that, here is some Taylor Swift performing on the VOICE since she hasn’t polluted your life enough yet… Taylor Swift – Blank Space live on The Voice from Oscar Cheah on Vimeo .

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Lena Dunham and Taylor Swift Have Horrible Parties of the Day

Top 5 or 6 Carmen Electra at the Expendables 3 Premiere of the Day

#453511516 / gettyimages.com Carmen Electra, a B-List, Playboy chick turned MTV Host, who was actually a fucking babe, despite her stupid fake tits and cheesiness, is still going strong, if you consider going strong, hanging on as fucking hard as she can to her looks because they are all she ever had…either showing up to events or more importantly getting booked for the occasional cameo, something far more impressive than when she was getting paid 2,000 dollars to show up at your local night club to party well into her 40s…. This is what happens when a woman chooses herself instead of having babies…here’s my shitty top 5 – because I am mocking top 10 lists on the internet. Clickbait….works for everyone but me. 1- Despite being plastic – she was able to rotate enough to show her ass from a strategic vantage point… #453514696 / gettyimages.com 2- Despite being plastic, she was able to lift one leg and do the Flamigo pose #453514552 / gettyimages.com 3- Despite being Plastic she was able to crack some kind of smile… #453511558 / gettyimages.com 4- Despite being plastic, she was able to brush her fake hair out of her fake face…it looked so natural…she’s a real talent #453505538 / gettyimages.com 5- OMG Two Hands…Double Fisting…Her Favorite #453505508 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Top 5 or 6 Carmen Electra at the Expendables 3 Premiere of the Day