Tag Archives: hewitt-busts

Sophie Simmons Knows How To Get My Attention

I don’t know who the hell this Sophie Simmons chick is, but she looks kind of like a Kelly Brook knock-off. And not one of those cheap Chinese knock-offs either, a good quality one. Here she is at the new Spiderman premiere showing off some high quality hotness. For a nobody she sure seems to know her way around a see through dress. I’m impressed. Now let’s see what you’ve got in the getting out of an SUV in a tight dress department.

Sophie Simmons Knows How To Get My Attention

I don’t know who the hell this Sophie Simmons chick is, but she looks kind of like a Kelly Brook knock-off. And not one of those cheap Chinese knock-offs either, a good quality one. Here she is at the new Spiderman premiere showing off some high quality hotness. For a nobody she sure seems to know her way around a see through dress. I’m impressed. Now let’s see what you’ve got in the getting out of an SUV in a tight dress department.

Sam & Billie Faiers Seem Smart To Me

If you were in the market for some pictures of a couple of nobodies, you’ve come to the right place. Here are Sam and Billy Faiers strutting their stuff at some party. I know I’ve posted these chicks on the site before for some reason, but I don’t really remember what. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with very large, very tanned breasts stuffed into tight tops. I’m pretty sure. One thing I know for certain is that it has nothing to do with their faces. Not their best asset. Anyhow…… Boobs!

Billie Faiers Is My Kind Of Woman

I’ve had this Billie Faiers chick on the site before, I don’t remember what it is she that she does, but there’s just something about her I like. I’m not sure if you can guess what it is. I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with fig bat fitties. I love a woman flashing this much cleavage with an empty cocktail in her hand. You know it’s just a matter of time before one of those gorgeous things comes popping out. Hot.

Billie Faiers Outfit Goes BOOM!

I was going to look this Billie Faiers chick up, I haven’t got a clue who the hell she is, but then I got distracted by something very large and squishy in the pictures and never seemed to get around to it. I’ve never heard of her and I don’t think anyone really cares who she is, so I’m just going to assume she’s on some silly British soap opera. They always have big breasted blondes on those things. Keep up the good work.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Hot Cougar Cleavage

Jennifer Love Hewitt has really been working hard lately to get her hotness back on track, she slips up every now and again with some dumpy big ass pictures, but she’s definitely trending in the right direction. Here she is wrapped up in a few layers of Spanx and tucked into a sexy tight dress that really highlights her assets. I always forget that she’s more than just a big booty. #bigoldboobies

Jennifer Lawrence Lets Her Breasts Fall Out

I’m not really sure what the deal is with this Hunger Games business, I think it’s a book and now movie for teenage girls, but I know some quality cleavage when I see it. Here’s Jennifer Lawrence dropping some perky boobage at a book signing for the thing. I find it a little odd that she’s signing copies of a book she didn’t write. Shouldn’t she be signing DVD’s or movie posters or something? I guess with this much breasts hanging out she can sign whatever the hell she wants.

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Awesome Cleavage Drop

I for one am really glad that Jennifer Love Hewitt has decided to have another go at being a hottie, enough with the fat ass and period sweatpants, cleavage is the way to go. Here she is at some event last night looking like the hot old Jennifer we used to know and love. I know she’s got that big booty safely tucked into a couple of pairs of Spanx , but I don’t care, her face looks good and that cleavage is awesome. Keep up the good work. more pictures from of Jennifer Love Hewitt here