Tag Archives: hippie-granola

Muir-Way is the Very Merry Holiday Gift Idea of the Day

MUIR-WAY make some pretty amazing wall art for pretty much any room in your one room apartment…but more importantly, their wall art can be doubled as a great gift to pretty much anyone…even for those not into maps of national parks…cuz they look pretty cool and sometimes you don’t need to be a hippie granola weirdo to be down with national parks….sure I may not like nature, or hiking, and I prefer my national parks to be in map form…so I don’t have to fuck with nature….and creepy park rangers…that’s why MUIR-WAY is the only way… They are also a good way to decide where to hide the body… PHOTOS SHOT BY JULIEN ARCHAMBEAULT GO AND GET YOURSELF SOME NATIONAL PARK MAPS CLICK HERE VISIT THE VERY MERRY HOLIDAY ADVENT CALENDAR

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Muir-Way is the Very Merry Holiday Gift Idea of the Day