Tag Archives: hipsters-having

Julianne Hough for Shape Magazine of the Day

Julianne Hough is some Dancing with the Stars girl who you probably fucks her brother, and who probably was destined to be a stripper, but who managed to pull some fucking scam, a scam I assume comes from being a rich kid, to end up on TV instead of the pole. Now she is in Shape Magazine, a magazine notorious for photoshopping the shit out of girls, dressed like a stripper, in stripper quality pics, because I guess what is meant to be is meant to be…or whatever… So the pics are garbage…but she’s looking better than ever…but I guess I like ‘em trashy.

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Julianne Hough for Shape Magazine of the Day

People Have Sex on the First Date Video of the Day

Here’s a pretty next level video that my friends at ERSTIES , an adult site about real people having sex, something that I’ve been advocating a long time, as long as the real people having sex are me, or girls, because porn sex is the worst sex, and real hipsters having sex like it was porn sex, is amazing… This is there “strangers” having sex video, that I think is real, and they actual had strangers from tinder meet to have sex, like the “strangers kissing” thing did with actors who weren’t actually strangers…and it is clearly next level… You can find out more at ERSTIES ….it may be NSFW

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People Have Sex on the First Date Video of the Day