Tag Archives: his-appearance

Halperin Not Digging Dippy Deutsch?

Was Mark Halperin just mugging, or was he really turned off by Donny Deutsch’s antics on the set of Morning Joe today? Check the video and be the judge. Here’s the background: on the show’s August 6th edition [a clip of which was played today and is seen in the video here], Deutsch turned up in a tight black T-shirt and proceeded to spend much of his appearance flexing for the cameras.  He ended his self-promoting performance by doing a set of push-ups as the closing comments rolled. Deutsch, apparently doing sartorial penance, appeared in a three-piece suit this morning.  But when Mika Brzezinski chided him for his macho act, going so far as to facetiously accuse him of “sexting” on the set, Deutsch couldn’t resist recreating his previous performance, doing a set of dips on the desk. Keep an eye on Mark Halperin, who reacts with a series of head shakes, eye rolls, nose pinches and snippy sidewise glances.  Mark might have just been mugging, but was there also been an element of sincere disapproval of Deutsch’s egotistical display?  I’m saying ‘si’.

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Halperin Not Digging Dippy Deutsch?

What Was Up With Judd Nelson’s Creepy Oscar Appearance?

Do you have a picture of Judd Nelson? Everyone is squawking about his appearance at the Oscars, how bad he looked. But no pic! —Mistral Winds You seek wisdom from the…

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What Was Up With Judd Nelson’s Creepy Oscar Appearance?

Robert Pattinson: Bearded… and Beautiful?

Even with a cigartte dangling from his lips , most people agreed Robert Pattinson still looked beautiful. But will that opinion change now that the Twilight Saga star has debuted a new look

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Robert Pattinson: Bearded… and Beautiful?

Bethenny Frankel: Nude for PETA

After months of hype, Bethenny Frankel has finally gotten naked for PETA. As many D-list, attention-starved celebrities before her have stated, The Real Housewife of New York says she’d rather go naked than wear fur. Of course, it’s unclear why these are the only two options

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Bethenny Frankel: Nude for PETA

Public is Seeing the Real Adam Lambert, Kris Allen Says

During his appearance on The View last week, Adam Lambert wondered about the public’s fascination with his raunchy American Music Awards performance.

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Public is Seeing the Real Adam Lambert, Kris Allen Says

Saturday Night Dead for Darrell Hammond?


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Saturday Night Dead for Darrell Hammond?

Constantine Maroulis: I ‘Opened the Door’ for Future Idol Rockers

The Rock of Ages star says his appearance on the hit show helped rock get respect

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Constantine Maroulis: I ‘Opened the Door’ for Future Idol Rockers