Mark Wahlberg put up a boxing ring in his backyard to start training for The Fighter . That was four years ago.
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Mark Wahlberg Talks The Fighter
Mark Wahlberg put up a boxing ring in his backyard to start training for The Fighter . That was four years ago.
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Mark Wahlberg Talks The Fighter
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Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged backyard, bennyhollywood, boxing-ring, celeb news, content, Education, fighter, his-backyard, Hollywood, News, start-training, wahlberg, years
Mark Wahlberg put up a boxing ring in his backyard to start training for The Fighter . That was four years ago.
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Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged backyard, bennyhollywood, boxing-ring, Breaking News, content, Education, fighter, his-backyard, Hollywood, News, stars, start-training, wahlberg, years
Image credit: Peak Moment TV A few years ago, Scott McGuire launched an experiment in backyard sustainability —exploring how much food he could grow in his backyard for his family, and whether they could reach self-sufficiency. So what happened? Having grown everything from annual vegetables to grains, Scott made a realization that it would be almost impossible to grow all his family’s food in such a small space. But rather than give up, or scale back his ambitions, he launched a CSA to feed other families … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Read more from the original source:
Self-Sufficiency Versus a Backyard CSA (Video)