Tag Archives: his-motorcycle

U210981004Singer Justin Bieber on his motorcycle toy in Beverly Hills CA on November 14th 2012 En la foto con una moto de la marca quot Ducati quot GTRESONLINE

U210981004Singer Justin Bieber on his motorcycle toy in Beverly Hills CA on November 14th 2012 En la foto con una moto de la marca quot Ducati quot GTRESONLINE – 665869_10200234629129306_615479812_o.jpg View original post here: U210981004Singer Justin Bieber on his motorcycle toy in Beverly Hills CA on November 14th 2012 En la foto con una moto de la marca quot Ducati quot GTRESONLINE

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U210981004Singer Justin Bieber on his motorcycle toy in Beverly Hills CA on November 14th 2012 En la foto con una moto de la marca quot Ducati quot GTRESONLINE

Dean McDermott in ICU After Motorcycle Accident

Tori Spelling’s husband Dean McDermott crashed his motorcycle for the second time this year on Tuesday, suffering a punctured lung and ending up in intensive care. The 43-year-old reality star was well enough to Tweet today, “Thanks for the well wishes. A collapsed lung is no fun, and is a lengthy heal. Feeling pretty bad today. Day 2 is always the worst.” Spelling says he’s expected to make a full recovery and ditch his motorcycle for good. [ People ]

Dean McDermott in ICU After Motorcycle Accident

A-Team Trailer (OMG)

Here's a very low-quality leaked version of the new A-Team trailer. There is not an ounce of Fanboy inside me and even I think this looks freaking fantastic. (Sorry for when this inevitably gets pulled in like an hour.) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Bra Color Facebook Statuses

CULTURE BUZZ : If you're female, you probably already know that you were supposed to post your bra color today as your Facebook status to support breast cancer awareness. I'd like everyone to post the color of their cat, to promote cat awareness. Please pass this along to all cat owners…but NO DOG OWNERS! Let's see if this spreads

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Bra Color Facebook Statuses

Lady Gaga, Polaroid Employee

Lady Gaga reveals her new business card (and career change?) My Po-Po-Po-Po-Po-Po-Polaroid. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Where You Should Never Protest Animal Rights

“They peed on me!!!” charged one activist. “They grabbed me, said I looked like I was French, started calling me 'La Trene', and duct taped me to a tree so they could pee on me all day!” Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

PHOTOS: Robert Pattinson Calls Kristen Stewart ‘A Unique Girl’

In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, the New Moon costars dish about each other

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PHOTOS: Robert Pattinson Calls Kristen Stewart ‘A Unique Girl’

Brad Pitt Wants a New Ride

The star blames the paparazzi for the recent spill on his motorcycle

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Brad Pitt Wants a New Ride

Another Double Elimination on Dancing with the Stars!

Two more couples are sent home on Tuesday night

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Another Double Elimination on Dancing with the Stars!

La Toya Jackson Scene Restored on Brüno DVD

A sequence cut out in the days after her brother’s death is included in new release

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La Toya Jackson Scene Restored on Brüno DVD