Tag Archives: his-standards

Demi Lovato "Stay Strong" Trailer: Ready To Be a Role Model

Demi Lovato is now a role model and very proud of it. But it wasn’t always this way for the singer. In a trailer for Stay Strong – the MTV special airing on March 6 that will take viewers behind the scenes of Demi’s recent struggles and triumphs – the artist admits she had difficulty accepting her status as a celebrity at first. But her view has changed. “I have daily challenges, but so do many kids who are struggling to feel comfortable in their own skin,” she says. “If opening up and sharing my story inspires even one person to stay strong or to get the help they need, I’ve succeeded.” Watch the preview now and prepare to get to know Lovato like never before during this documentary. Stay Strong with Demi Lovato: MTV Special Preview

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Demi Lovato "Stay Strong" Trailer: Ready To Be a Role Model

Mitt Romney Pretends to Love Michigan

Cyborg Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is campaigning in Michigan ahead of Tuesday’s primary, and boy, does he just love everything about that state! Mitt’s pandering speech last week was remarkable in how forced it sounded, even by his standards, as the Michigan native tried to convince residents he is one of them. It was a performance reminiscent of Steve Carell in Anchorman , when Will Ferrell’s Ron Burgundy asks, “Are you just naming things you see and saying you love them?” Watch a mashup of that scene and Romney’s press conference below: Mitt Romney Loves Michigan So Hard The trees are the right height. Take note, Michigan Department of Tourism. There’s your new tagline if ever we’ve heard one. “Pure Michigan” was so 2011.

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Mitt Romney Pretends to Love Michigan