Tag Archives: hold-the-fact

Doutzen Kroes Hanging With Pregnant Chicks in Bikinis of the Day

Doutzen Kroes is big and she doesn’t really prove that she’s not as thick as she seems when standing next to a pregnant chick in a bikini, an tool used for generations to make bigger girls look skinny by comparison, because this pregnant chick looks like something Doutzen could eat for lunch, or even a snack to muster up the energy to get back on the beach running, cuz these pics of her being sitting, scratching her fat ass and recovering between shots is lazy because lazy is what got her this big in the first place, and once you get this big it makes not being lazy impossible because your stamina is down, your energy level is down, and just getting out of bed is a struggle. Seriously, I know from experience, I just rolled out of bed, dry heaved in the bathroom after having what must have been an asthma attack, before shitting myself when I got outside to walk my stupid dog cuz I thought it was just a fart. I figure that hard drinking may be reason, but obesity probably plays a factor, or maybe it’s just all in my fucking head, but what I do know is that if I was pretending to run on the beach and if I didn’t die of a heart attack in the process, I’d be doin’ the Doutzen and taking a breather too…..

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Doutzen Kroes Hanging With Pregnant Chicks in Bikinis of the Day

Katy Perry Birthday Bullshit of the Day

I am friends with Mark Cobrasnake , so I want to say that I am not going to hold the fact that he went to Katy Perry’s cheesy birthday party where he looked like he was having the time of his life amongst people I hate, like Perez Hilton and Katy Perry, because I’m going to tell myself shit was just an act for some exclusive pics he can sell to the paparazzi for a couple hundred thousand dollars, because that would be the only acceptable reason anyone I know or like would put himself in this kind of horrible situation. The only thing worth caring about when it comes to a Katy Perry birthday party filled with L.A

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Katy Perry Birthday Bullshit of the Day