Tag Archives: hoping-it-doesn

Maci Bookout Reveals Tragic New Details of Ryan Edwards’ Drug Use

Every time we hear something new about Ryan Edwards and his newly revealed drug use, things just get worse and worse. Guess that’s one of the downsides to being high all the time, huh? Rumors have been circulating for months now that Ryan was using — there aren’t many other explanations for his bugged-out eyes and spacy behavior — but Maci Bookout recently confirmed things on an episode of Teen Mom OG. In the episode, Maci broke down to Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell while on vacation in Puerto Rico. She cried, saying that she’s the only person in Ryan’s life who cares about getting him clean — his parents and his then-fiancee, Mackenzie Standifer, weren’t pushing him to get help. She also expressed a fear that Ryan would die from his drug use, so you know the situation is dire. Shortly after the episode aired, Ryan did check into rehab , and as far as we know, he’s still there. Perhaps we’ll receive another update after Monday night’s episode, because Maci is getting real about the matter once again. In a new sneak peek for the upcoming episode, Maci calls a counselor to get some tips on how to deal with Ryan. “I’m not really sure exactly what it is that he’s using,” she admits, “but sometimes he’ll fall asleep while you’re trying to have a conversation with him.” She also says that other times he’s “extremely wide-eyed, and he doesn’t look right.” So we still don’t know exactly what Ryan’s in rehab for this time around, though his ex-girlfriend, Dalis Connell, has claimed that he went to rehab in 2012 for abusing prescription pain killers. Maci tells the counselor that she hasn’t spoken to Ryan directly about things, but that she does want to get him help. The counselor then asks her if she’d be willing to issue some sort of ultimatum to him — the suggestion he makes is legal action regarding the custody of their son, Bentley. “I’m hoping it doesn’t get to that point,” she says, “but that would be the ultimatum.” Maci’s always tried to push Ryan to be a more active father to Bentley, so if she’s willing to go this route, it’s clear that she believes things are very, very bad . But, she acknowledges, “The other aspect of that too would be that if I’m limiting access to him, then I’m also going to have to do that with his parents, because they’re pretty much the sole caregivers of our son when he’s with his dad.” The counselor says that it sounds like Ryan’s parents enable his bad behavior, and Maci readily agrees. And so does everyone who’s ever watched an episode of Teen Mom. He also says that it sounds like she’s got an uphill battle ahead of her, and again, everyone agrees. Poor Maci … View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide!

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Maci Bookout Reveals Tragic New Details of Ryan Edwards’ Drug Use

Lady Victoria Hervey in a See Thru Dress of the Day

I see this bitches name around, she is some kind of blue blooded aristocrat, which makes sense because she totally looks like she is inbred. What doesn’t make sense is that a some point in her life she was a model, but I guess that’s just proof that when you have a rich and connected family you can pretty much do whatever you want, even when you look like you were hit in the face with a shovel when you were a kid. She was at the Burberry fashion show, and I can see her black panties under her silver dress, and maybe that excites you, but I’m hoping it doesn’t, you know, since she’s fucking ugly.

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Lady Victoria Hervey in a See Thru Dress of the Day