Tag Archives: blue-blooded

Rhianna’s Hot One Piece Bathing Suit of the Day

Despite how much I hate Rihanna, her music and everything she stands for…there’s something about Rihanna that I find pretty fucking hot….I think that something is that she is rumored to have started her career as a teen prostitute, work ethic and drive coupled with sexual dysfunction I can appreciate….not that I like teen prostitutes, it is just that I like adults who I meet who were teen prostitutes, especially when they are million dollar pop stars…. She’s got this shitty cunty attitude and she offends everyone that I know who have met her with her abrasiveness and ego…they all say she deserved to get beat by her man Chris Brown, but they it probably wasn’t him, but her just beating herself and blaming him for it, cuz she’s that kind of bitch…. But she produces some pretty sleazy pics, for no reason other than attention, and that makes it all ok….even when wearing a one piece, she makes it sleazy when she doesn’t even have to…and that is pretty fucking good. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Rhianna’s Hot One Piece Bathing Suit of the Day

Dree Hemingway’s Nipple for Interview Magazine of the Day

Dree Hemingway is a product of nepotism, but then again so is pretty much anyone who is rich in America…if it isn’t who your grandfather or great grandfather is….and who everyone inter-married in the upper crust of society each generation in between, then it is who’s dick you sucked….and often times these rich society blue blooded American royalty are so broken that it is a solid mix of both….and I know rich girls getting naked for attention and money they don’t need….is rich girls only doing it for attention….trying to make herself relevant onee nipple flash at a time…and that in and of itself…make this otherwise barely attractive girl a model I don’t mind lookin’ at…there’s so much depth to her issues….but then again it is just a nipple…no big deal.

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Dree Hemingway’s Nipple for Interview Magazine of the Day

Kristen Davis Shitty See Through of the Day

Most of us have seen bitch naked when her ex boyfriend leaked nude pictures of her from when she was younger and more eager, before the whole Sex and the City bullshit changed her life and defined her as someone who made it. Some of us got sued for posting the pictures, because the bith has a team of people who wanted to make those early eager years of her life disappear as fast as they could….I was one of those people who almost got sued, but figured I’d take them down, because seriously, they weren’t that great…if anything they were disgusting, because her pussy lips were big and black like some kind of rotting corpse pussy that got abused it’s way to the top. I don’t know who she’s kidding by wearing a bar to cover up her sloppy little tits, but I do know that I’m happy it’s not see through pants, because seriously, her vagina, even at a young age, was the kind that makes you question if you’re straight or not, because you have no interest in sticking anything in that mess…. I hate Sex and the City and everyone who buys into the bullshit they stand for. I hate all the Sex and the City career women who follow the fucking lead of this shit show….mainly becuase Sex and the City was written by a gay guy and I prefer women in traditional gender roles and not so much living the gam man lifestyle… Either way, here she is in a bra… Pics via PacificCoastNews

Kristen Davis Shitty See Through of the Day

Princess Madeline in a Bikini in Miami of the Day

Royal Pussy has probably looked better than this mess of a woman…but I guess after generations of inbreeding we take what we can get when it comes to blue blooded bitches….it’s not like there are all that many actual Princesses in the world to get off to…and if you have a middle ages fetish…it makes masturbation pretty fucking hard…unless of course you are like my friend who go to parks and stages battles who is understandably a little too socially awkward to get laid….but who has no problem hiring hookers and dressing them up in period costumes….not that kind of period….actually historically relevant dresses he and crowns he gets made custom….sure it’s weird…but so are most fetishes…give him a break….at least he’s trying to maintain the luxury, exclusiveness and regal respectable behavior of a princess…while this Princess Madeline chick just jumps into the behavior and dress of a common whore…. Here are the pics of her and her sloppy body that is probably the root of why her boyfriend left her, cuz royalty or not, this body isn’t something you want to lock into for any amount of money….unless you’re me, in which case it’s all good cuz there’s a 28 year old pussy in a bikini…sloppy, rich, ugly or not…it’s better than what I’m used to. Pics via Bauer

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Princess Madeline in a Bikini in Miami of the Day

Lady Victoria Hervey in a See Thru Dress of the Day

I see this bitches name around, she is some kind of blue blooded aristocrat, which makes sense because she totally looks like she is inbred. What doesn’t make sense is that a some point in her life she was a model, but I guess that’s just proof that when you have a rich and connected family you can pretty much do whatever you want, even when you look like you were hit in the face with a shovel when you were a kid. She was at the Burberry fashion show, and I can see her black panties under her silver dress, and maybe that excites you, but I’m hoping it doesn’t, you know, since she’s fucking ugly.

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Lady Victoria Hervey in a See Thru Dress of the Day