After what might be the most memorable run of episodes in the show's history, Game of Thrones Season 5 will come to an end this Sunday. As always, numerous plot strands have been left dangling, and we're curious to see how showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff will cap off the season in a satisfying fashion, while still leaving fans thirsting for more. Is it even possible for them to top the epic White Walker battle of ” Hardhome ,” or the flame-spewing badassery at the end of ” The Dance of Dragons “? We have our doubts, but if they pull it off, it wouldn't be the first time Weiss and Benioff shocked us out of our seats. Sunday's episode is titled “Mother's Mercy,” and we can't help but wonder what which one of GoT's mom's will finally show some real maternal instinct. Will Cersei finally do right by Tommen? Perhaps Dany will manage to re-assemble her entire dragon family. Heck, maybe Gilly will take her son away from the increasingly horrific goings on at Castle Black. Now that the show has officially left the books in the dust plot-wise, there's no telling what might come next. But feel free to check out these pics from the finale and engage in some wild speculation: 1. Cersei Lannister Has Looked Better Cersei’s been in the slammer for the past few episodes. That’ll teach her to hand her power over to religious nut jobs! (And bang her cousin, kill her husband, etc…) 2. Sansa Looks Shocked Sansa appears to be unpleasantly surprised. That’s pretty much how we looked when she married Ramsay. 3. Jaqen H’ghar Jaqen and the creepy hall with all the faces. How come he gets a cool name, and Arya has to be just “A Girl”? 4. The Khaleesi’s Dudes Tyrion, Jorah and Daario. We’re assuming they’re posing for the cover of their debut album. 5. Stannis and Melisandre Spoiler alert: Melisandre is probably all, “Sorry I made you burn your daughter alive. That was totally lame of me.” 6. Conference at Castle Black Jon and Sam hold a powwow. We get the feeling their Night Watch brothers may soon cause them some trouble. View Slideshow
See original here:
Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale Photos: Sucks To Be Cersei!