Tag Archives: explanations

Maci Bookout Reveals Tragic New Details of Ryan Edwards’ Drug Use

Every time we hear something new about Ryan Edwards and his newly revealed drug use, things just get worse and worse. Guess that’s one of the downsides to being high all the time, huh? Rumors have been circulating for months now that Ryan was using — there aren’t many other explanations for his bugged-out eyes and spacy behavior — but Maci Bookout recently confirmed things on an episode of Teen Mom OG. In the episode, Maci broke down to Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell while on vacation in Puerto Rico. She cried, saying that she’s the only person in Ryan’s life who cares about getting him clean — his parents and his then-fiancee, Mackenzie Standifer, weren’t pushing him to get help. She also expressed a fear that Ryan would die from his drug use, so you know the situation is dire. Shortly after the episode aired, Ryan did check into rehab , and as far as we know, he’s still there. Perhaps we’ll receive another update after Monday night’s episode, because Maci is getting real about the matter once again. In a new sneak peek for the upcoming episode, Maci calls a counselor to get some tips on how to deal with Ryan. “I’m not really sure exactly what it is that he’s using,” she admits, “but sometimes he’ll fall asleep while you’re trying to have a conversation with him.” She also says that other times he’s “extremely wide-eyed, and he doesn’t look right.” So we still don’t know exactly what Ryan’s in rehab for this time around, though his ex-girlfriend, Dalis Connell, has claimed that he went to rehab in 2012 for abusing prescription pain killers. Maci tells the counselor that she hasn’t spoken to Ryan directly about things, but that she does want to get him help. The counselor then asks her if she’d be willing to issue some sort of ultimatum to him — the suggestion he makes is legal action regarding the custody of their son, Bentley. “I’m hoping it doesn’t get to that point,” she says, “but that would be the ultimatum.” Maci’s always tried to push Ryan to be a more active father to Bentley, so if she’s willing to go this route, it’s clear that she believes things are very, very bad . But, she acknowledges, “The other aspect of that too would be that if I’m limiting access to him, then I’m also going to have to do that with his parents, because they’re pretty much the sole caregivers of our son when he’s with his dad.” The counselor says that it sounds like Ryan’s parents enable his bad behavior, and Maci readily agrees. And so does everyone who’s ever watched an episode of Teen Mom. He also says that it sounds like she’s got an uphill battle ahead of her, and again, everyone agrees. Poor Maci … View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide!

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Maci Bookout Reveals Tragic New Details of Ryan Edwards’ Drug Use

I’m A Survivor: Detroit Woman Lives After Being Beaten And Run Over By Semi Truck [Video]

It’s so coooold in the D…. Detroit Woman Survives After Being Beaten And Run Over By Semi Truck Detroit people must really be built to last , because there’s not many other explanations for how this woman survived being beaten and almost completely ran over by a semi-truck. via News One Last month, a Detroit woman was brutally beaten and nearly run over by a semi truck. But now a witness has come forward with video of the attack. Fox 2 News Detroit reports that an unidentified woman reached out to them with video of the barbaric attack. She said she was at a gas station at Seven Mile and Schoenherr when she noticed a woman being beaten in the middle of the street. When a semi truck driver stopped to watch the fight, the attack reached the wheels of the truck. The woman fell directly between the wheels of the truck when the driver decided to drive off. She came close to being crushed by the wheels of the truck, but fell away from the wheels; the truck ended up running over her feet, however. There were plenty of witnesses, but no one helped her. Instead, a man picked her up and dragged her around like a sack of potatoes. The 18-year-old woman was rushed to the hospital and treated for her injuries. When the cops called the victim to take a complaint, she did not call them back. If she does not file a complaint, there is little that can be done to bring her attackers to justice. Shortly after the incident was reported, an unidentified witness came forward with a video of the entire ordeal. Check it out HERE . If this woman can live through this craziness, then bankruptcy should be no problem for Detroit… Photo/Video Credit: Fox 2 News

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I’m A Survivor: Detroit Woman Lives After Being Beaten And Run Over By Semi Truck [Video]

Raquel Welch to the Internet: "Put It Back in Your Pants, Fellas"

Although she’s one of the leading sex symbols of the 20th century, Raquel Welch doesn’t believe in letting it all hang out. And she has no problem making this point in interviews over and over (and over) again. Most recently, Raquel lamented the state of “porn culture” in Men’s Health magazine: “I think we’ve gotten to the point in our culture where we’re all sex addicts, literally. We have equated happiness in life with as many orgasms as you can possibly pack in, ” she says. “I think this era of porn is at least partially responsible for it. Where is the anticipation and the personalization? It’s an exploitation of the poor male’s libidos. Poor babies – they can’t control themselves!” “I don’t care if I’m being one of those old fogies who says, ‘Back in my day we didn’t have to hear about sex all the time,’ she adds. “They’re ruining us with all the explanations and graphicness.” Get with the times, Raquel! There’s plenty of opportunity for personalization on the internet. Why, we could show you dozens of websites that cater to…oh, never mind. You wouldn’t appreciate them anyway. Take a trip down mammary lane with sexy pics of Raquel Welch right here at MrSkin.com

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Raquel Welch to the Internet: "Put It Back in Your Pants, Fellas"

Chatroulette Flashers Explain Themselves to The Daily Beast

Filed under: Sex We always joke about how many gross nude men use Chatroulette, but Shannon Donnelly at The Daily Beast went one step further and asked the flashers to explain themselves . The guys she talked to weren’t necessarily exhibitionists out in the real world. They just had those tendencies and used Chatroulette as a safe way to express them without the risk of getting caught. The guys gave her explanations like “i want people 2 see me an i want 2 see ppl.” Donnelly also pulled in some expert opinions from psychiatrists who confirmed her suspicions that many of the guys who get naked on Chatroulette are just looking for a reaction. In a weird way, Chatroulette is a good thing for those of us who don’t like being surprised by random strangers’ intimate parts. It’s probably safer for both flashers and flashees if people expose themselves in a place with a “next” button. link:// The Naked Men Of Chatroulette previously:// Chatroulette’s Creator (And the Phrase “T*ts or GTFO”) in The New Yorker Continue reading

The Official Hugh Grant Aging Timeline

Inspired by this tragic photograph. We're a long way from Four Weddings and A Funeral (or Divine Brown). Woof.

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The Official Hugh Grant Aging Timeline

David Foster Wallace Grammar Challenge!

Link: http://htmlgiant.com/?p=19945 Hey, you know what's fun? Grammar. Let's all take a grammar challenge courtesy of the great DFW himself

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David Foster Wallace Grammar Challenge!

Tucker Max Has an Explanation

Schlitz-grasping cargo short sporter Tucker Max has finally figured out why his movie , Penis in a Beer Cozy , was a financial failure . [Tells some story of this girl in a bar who totally loves him, like, so much, but doesn’t know about the movie]

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Tucker Max Has an Explanation