Tag Archives: right-image340

Escort Grifter, or Escort Grifted? [Love Hurts]

Wealthy developer Robert Brot is suing Lindsey DeLeon for more than $100k, charging that the younger woman took advantage of his love, ripped him off, and became a prostitute . But! Lindsey says Brot was her pimp. Plus: Hot new pixxx! Instead of coming to us first, Lindsey decided to talk to the New York Post , probably because they sent a reporter out to Tulsa to track her down. Her story is very different from Robert Brot’s! While Brot said he tried to save her from a life of prostitution by moving her to New York and setting her up in an apartment and all, DeLeon says he just stone cold pimped her out. And she turns over emails from Brot, such as: “We put [an escort ad for Deleon] up for 30 days . . . and then take it down selectively based upon your schedule,” Brot wrote in an e-mail, referring to the ads. “Do you like my proposed schedule?” he added. “Consultation on Monday . . . work the week . . . spend the weekend with me . . . lipo the following Monday or Tuesday and implant that week too?” So, if these emails are indeed what DeLeon says they are, there is up to a 100% chance that Robert Brot, co-founder of The J Companies , is a rich, heartless pimp. Who went on to sue the woman he pimped out, which would also make him a bastard. If these allegations were true! Who knows? [New Lindsey DeLeon pics courtesy of Steve Zak ]

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Escort Grifter, or Escort Grifted? [Love Hurts]

Your New Hipster Slur: Fauxhemians [Winners]

Hipsters are dead . Long(?) live Fauxhemians. A full 34% of you people picked “Fauxhemian” in our five-way poll yesterday, totally pissing coke-tainted piss on the runner-up slur, “Doucheoisie,” which scored 23%. At long last, our halfhearted search for a slur to replace the tired “hipster” has come to a fruitful conclusion. Thanks to you, the blackhearted Gawker commentariat. Everyone give yourself an irony-infested pat on the back. How are we to use this new slur? A few examples: On the subway : “Stop stepping on my shoes, you fey Fauxhemian bitch.” At the nightclub : “Dude, the whole place is full of Fauxhemians. I mean the girls are hot, but whatever.” Self-referentially: “No way. You’re a Fauxhemian, Fauxhemian.” In the New York Times: “A new term has been coined: ‘Fauxhemian.’ The year is 2013, and this is the New York Times Style section.” In any situation: “Whatever, Fauxhemian.” Today is a great day. [Pic: LATFH ]

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Your New Hipster Slur: Fauxhemians [Winners]

Disney Bans Fake Boobs from Pirates [Boobs]

If this catches on, half of Hollywood’s females will fall into poverty. Casting for their fourth Pirates of the Caribbean , Disney specifies that fake breasts are not permitted, and actresses will be subjected to pre-shoot jiggle tests to check. This sounds like the beginning of a porno, doesn’t it? The New York Post reports: The filmmakers sent out a casting call last week seeking “beautiful female fit models. Must be 5ft7in-5ft8in, size 4 or 6, no bigger or smaller. Age 18-25. Must have a lean dancer body. Must have real breasts. Do not submit if you have implants .” And they warn that there’ll be a “show and tell” day. To make sure LA talent scouts don’t get caught in a “booby trap,” potential lassies will have to undergo a Hollywood-style jiggle-your-jugs test and jog for judges. If there’s nothing moving from the waist up, they’re saying, it’s a dead giveaway that you’re not all flesh and bones—and you’re out. How is that not sexual harassment? On the other hand: Is there any way to prove veracity of breasts without sexually harassing? In case Disney meets any ambiguous jiggle tests, here are a few other ways I have thought of to test for veracity of breasts: Force actresses to answer, “Have you ever met Hugh Hefner?” Compare and contrast lie detector result for “Are your breasts real?” with “Are you a natural blonde?” Introduce the actresses to Donald Trump. Anyone he is attracted to can be eliminated prima facie. You’ll have to sign an NDA once you read this, but: Dr. 90210: Silicone Victims Unit All of this raises a rather perplexing question, though. America loves fake boobs . Entire careers have revolved around fake boobs . So why would Disney ban them from Pirates ? First, there’s this: “In the last movie, there were enhanced breasts to give that 18th-century whorish look, and men were pretty well padded too, and no one worried,” a former casting agent said. “But times are changing, and the audience can spot false breasts.” Also, there is going to be lots of swimming and diving in this movie, and remember the Road Rules lady who bellyflopped and popped her implant ? Do not try Baywatch at home, ladies. [ NYPost ]

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Disney Bans Fake Boobs from Pirates [Boobs]

You People Really Want to Be the Next Will & Grace, Apparently

Last week we posted a casting notice for a real-life Will & Grace reality show, even though we didn’t think that any gay readers or their straight-girl besties would actually want to be on such a program. We were wrong. Since putting the post up, which called any potential cast members “sad, dateless codependents,” we’ve received a raft of emails begging us for more info about how to get on this wonderful-sounding reality program. See, we didn’t put up the casting company’s info because we were positive that no one — surely none of our savvy readers! — would actually want to subject themselves to programs about gay minstrels and the lonely sadgirls that own them. But people are clamoring for the details! People who describe their friendships like this: When we are out on the town on the prowl for men, hands down, it is the funniest form of entertainment. We think we are mega babes, but somehow we both wind up meeting the worst kinds of men (i.e. Hipster boys, grotty old farts, or Talented Mr. Ripley types). We run into ex boyfriends, we spill drinks, we are the real life PAGE SIX. Every time we go out we play a game we made up: “Are you gay or straight?” because most of the guys that approach us are ambiguous and hit on both of us. You can’t write or make this stuff up! We often think God is playing a big, fat, joke on us. As much as we enjoy being single, there are times we both want to meet Mr. Right, or at least find someone to cuddle with us on cold winter nights. Lord knows, we’ve given it the old college try with one another! Haha! Shudder, right? The person who sent us that one works on Ugly Betty , naturally. Potential candidates also had this to say about themselves: We have two cats, share many interests, and are basically like brother and sister/codependent single gals. We bet you have two cats! Oh you gals . Other Fag/Hag units sent us pictures of themselves being fabulous on rooftops in fabulous clothes and doing other fabulous things, and provided us with links to blogs about fashion that they write that are mostly just pictures of themselves on the subway wearing wacky clothes. They are not messing around with this casting call thing. So, OK. Here you are, kids. Here is the info. Please contact- Chad Patterson at ratpack7772@gmail.com Doron Ofir Casting There it is. Good luck! Please let us know if any of you make it.

You People Really Want to Be the Next Will & Grace, Apparently

Latest Critic of the The Jay Leno Show Experiment: Jay Leno

It’s not a good sign for your experiment in reshaping the face of network programming when the experiment’s centerpiece muses aloud that, yeah, maybe things were better the way they were before. In the killing fields of NBC chatland, what little peace and stability had been achieved was just been blown to smithereens by a little hint dropped by Jay Leno , that, oh yes, now that you mention it, he’d be willing to take his old slot back.

See original here:
Latest Critic of the The Jay Leno Show Experiment: Jay Leno

Tucker Max Has an Explanation

Schlitz-grasping cargo short sporter Tucker Max has finally figured out why his movie , Penis in a Beer Cozy , was a financial failure . [Tells some story of this girl in a bar who totally loves him, like, so much, but doesn’t know about the movie]

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Tucker Max Has an Explanation

The Only Qualification for Teen Vogue Interns

Teen Vogue is cannily taking advantage of the widespread yearning to work in fashion by publishing a new “Handbook” which says—we’re paraphrasing—”You will fail. Fashion sucks.” But the NYT digs up one solitary useful piece of advice. [Teen Vogue editor Amy] Astley recalled a recent job applicant who was clearly unqualified to work at her magazine

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The Only Qualification for Teen Vogue Interns