Tag Archives: complete-babies

Catelynn Lowell Confesses: I Hope My Baby Is A…

Let’s get one thing straight, right up front: Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra just want a happy and healthy baby. The veteran Teen Mom stars, who announced they were expecting a child yesterday, will be content with a newborn of any type. But Catelynn opened up to Us Weekly in the wake of her pregnancy announcement and admitted that she does have a gender preference. So does her husband. There’s no reason to pretend otherwise. “I think we both want a boy for sure, but also we have Nova,” Lowell explained , referring to the tandem’s three-year-old daughter and adding; “So it’s, like, if we’re just meant to have girls, we’re meant to have girls.” The couple also had a girl about nine years ago. She was named Carly and she was given up for adoption because Catelynn and Tyler didn’t feel ready to be parents. “It’s like Tyler just makes girls. The guys make the gender,” Catelynn adding, making an accurate reference to science. Lowell actually shared a photo of her sonogram with the aforementioned tabloid. She said she got “an early blood test called Sneak Peek,” but “I did it too early… at 10 weeks … and I guess you’re supposed to wait a little longer than 10 weeks.” A little while from now, at her upcoming upcoming 4-D ultrasound appointment, Catelynn hopes to find out the sex of her child. How exciting! The impending little human will be what is known as a “rainbow” baby because it follows a miscarriage. Both Catelynn and Tyler opened up this past February about suffering such a giant loss just a few weeks earlier, with Catelynn even entering rehab as a result to deal with bouts of depression. The couple likely would have tried for another baby at some point, but Catelynn admits that wasn’t the plan when she found out she was expecting a few weeks ago. “It was a huge shock at first,” she says. “We were not planning it, especially after the miscarriage and how I went downhill with my mental illness.” We’ve admired for a long time how candid Catelynn has been with this struggle. Tyler was taken aback by the pregnancy at first, but he’s now fully embraced the situation. “He’s obviously just as happy as I am,” Lowell told Us Weekly. “We love being parents and can’t wait for our newest addition.” Lowell’s fellow Teen Moms have not yet commented on the pregnancy or sent notes of congratulations. But we’re here to say that we’re so very happy for Catelynn and Tyler. They’ve been through more than most famous twosomes, yet they’ve never lost sight of their love for each other and have vowed throughout even the lowest of times to stick by each other’s side. Good for them. We wish Catelynn the best in her pregnancy. View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide!

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Catelynn Lowell Confesses: I Hope My Baby Is A…

Catelynn Lowell: I’m Headed Home!!!

Catelynn Baltierra will be home for at least one holiday. The troubled Teen Mom star, who missed sharing Christmas with her family because she was seeking professional help in rehab, has confirmed some positive news via Twitter: She’s outta there! “I’m going home tomorrow!” wrote Catelynn on Friday, adding: “So excited for the future and seeing my family!! Six weeks of treatment and I feel good! Gotta work it when I get home thanks for all your support.” The mother of two precious kids (one girl, Carly, was given up  for adoption) concluded her Tweet with the hashtag “KeepTalkingMH.” We’re pretty sure that stands for Keep Talking Mental Health because Lowell did not enter rehab for any substance abuse problem. She instead acknowledged the need for assistance due to a disturbing abundance of suicidal thoughts. Back in mid-November, the MTV star surprised fans and concerned them greatly when she Tweeted the following: Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment #makeChesterProud @TalindaB #KeepTalkingMH #thiswontlast. She tagged the wife of late Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington in her Tweet because the Linkin Park singer, who lived with Depression most of his adult life, had recently committed suicide at the time. Thankfully, fans responded to the 25-year old at the time with messages of support. And the same held true of her husband, Tyler. “It’s going to be a rough holiday without being able to kiss her & tells her how thankful I am for her,” Tyler said on social media the day after Catelynn checked in to rehab, adding: “But we have a strong resilience crafter by our past, we got this!” A couple weeks ago, rumors circulated that Catelynn was thinking of leaving her treatment facility against doctor’s orders. She did then exit on December 14, just prior to the 30-day mark, only to return several days later. No one is quite sure what happened there and why, although one report has claimed Lowell simply missed her daughter. Fortunately, though, Catelynn has at least admitted she can’t overcome her mental health problems on her own. Back in 2016, shortly after giving birth to Nova, Catelynn also sought rehabilitation help for post-partum depression and anxiety. She’s struggled with Depression for at least a few years. Why are fans hopeful that this time the assistance will take? We sadly can’t say for sure. No one is ever fully cured of a mental illness. But Lowell has sounded more open than ever before about relying on others and focusing on a bright future. “I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better,” she wrote back when entering rehab last month. Continued the star: “Anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time.” View Slideshow: Catelynn Lowell Checks into Rehab AGAIN: What Happened?! We’re rooting for you, Catelynn. We can only imagine how challenging this struggle has been, but please take your own advice and know you are not alone. Tyler referred to his wife as “incredibly strong & courageous” just a few days ago, while Teen Mom viewers are only wishing the very best for Lowell. She has two children to care for and many years ahead of her still to live. Let’s all hope she makes the most of them and overcomes the scary thoughts that have been plaguing her mind for years now. Teen Mom OG airs Mondays at 9/8c on MTV. View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide!

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Catelynn Lowell: I’m Headed Home!!!

Jenelle Evans Responds to Horrific Abuse Claims: It’s Not My Fault!

Right now, Jenelle Evans is possibly in the hottest water she’s ever been in. It’s true: this might finally be the time that she faces some consequences for her actions. For all the times she’s been arrested — the assault charges, the drug charges, everything — she’s always managed to get out of trouble somehow. But this time, considering the seriousness of the case against her and the way things are turning out so far, her luck may be running out. About time, right? To recap, Nathan Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, went to court at the beginning of this month to file for emergency custody of Jenelle’s son with Nathan , Kaiser. According to the claims Doris made in the court documents for the case, Jenelle is still using drugs — so much that when she gave birth to Ensley, the poor little baby tested positive for marijuana. Another big issue is that she says Kaiser is being neglected when he’s with Jenelle. As evidence, she claims that one day she pulled up to her house and saw the then two-year-old playing outside all by himself. In a particularly horrifying section of those documents, Doris also says that Jenelle’s fiancé, David Eason, has been abusive to the little boy. She claims that on one occasion, Kaiser told her that David had punched him, and he mimed a blow to the head, over and over. Obviously, if any of this is true then Jenelle definitely needs to be held accountable. But as Teen Mom 2’s biggest trainwreck claimed in a statement of her own … well, to be honest, we’re not sure exactly what Jenelle is trying to claim here. “Our lawyers are talking today,” she said in a statement to E! News made yesterday. “Doris made accusations but I can tell you that Barbara has a lot to do with them.” Oh, so it’s Barbara’s fault? We should’ve seen that one coming . “Doris threw her own son under the bus by admitting that he has pending felonies and possibly on drugs. Her emergency filing was against me and Nathan both,” she continued. We’re not sure what this has to do with anything — wouldn’t this be a sign of Doris’ good intentions, that she’s even willing to take custody of Kaiser from her own troubled son? “I can tell you that they are allegations, mostly driven by my mom,” Jenelle concluded. “Our lawyers are working out a new agreement.” Why would they be working out a new agreement if these are just “allegations”? Interestingly enough, the original version of this statement concluded with Jenelle saying something about how Doris hadn’t won emergency custody, “and that says it all.” Wonder why she wanted that changed? Possibly because while Doris wasn’t immediately given custody of Kaiser, a court date has been set. According to Nathan, anyway. In a statement he made on Twitter, he asked someone, presumably Jenelle, to “please stop lying.” “My mom never said I was possibly on drugs, I never have been,” he wrote. “Plus, the court case is set Oct. 2.” This is just getting juicier and juicier, huh? If we can believe Nathan, Jenelle will be facing yet another custody battle in less than a month — which seems pretty fast, considering how drawn out her battle for Jace was . Could that be because this situation is a little more dire, considering Kaiser could be in danger? Whatever happens, it’s pretty darn interesting that in Jenelle’s statement, she never outright denied the allegations against her. She did refer to them as “allegations,” but why wouldn’t she say something like “of course I don’t abuse my son,” or “I never did drugs while pregnant”? Wouldn’t statements like those hold more weight than blaming her mother for literally no reason? There are so many questions, but so few answers. Really, all we can say right now is “those poor kids …” Oh, and, as always, “Dang, Jenelle.” View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide!

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Jenelle Evans Responds to Horrific Abuse Claims: It’s Not My Fault!

Maci Bookout Reveals Tragic New Details of Ryan Edwards’ Drug Use

Every time we hear something new about Ryan Edwards and his newly revealed drug use, things just get worse and worse. Guess that’s one of the downsides to being high all the time, huh? Rumors have been circulating for months now that Ryan was using — there aren’t many other explanations for his bugged-out eyes and spacy behavior — but Maci Bookout recently confirmed things on an episode of Teen Mom OG. In the episode, Maci broke down to Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell while on vacation in Puerto Rico. She cried, saying that she’s the only person in Ryan’s life who cares about getting him clean — his parents and his then-fiancee, Mackenzie Standifer, weren’t pushing him to get help. She also expressed a fear that Ryan would die from his drug use, so you know the situation is dire. Shortly after the episode aired, Ryan did check into rehab , and as far as we know, he’s still there. Perhaps we’ll receive another update after Monday night’s episode, because Maci is getting real about the matter once again. In a new sneak peek for the upcoming episode, Maci calls a counselor to get some tips on how to deal with Ryan. “I’m not really sure exactly what it is that he’s using,” she admits, “but sometimes he’ll fall asleep while you’re trying to have a conversation with him.” She also says that other times he’s “extremely wide-eyed, and he doesn’t look right.” So we still don’t know exactly what Ryan’s in rehab for this time around, though his ex-girlfriend, Dalis Connell, has claimed that he went to rehab in 2012 for abusing prescription pain killers. Maci tells the counselor that she hasn’t spoken to Ryan directly about things, but that she does want to get him help. The counselor then asks her if she’d be willing to issue some sort of ultimatum to him — the suggestion he makes is legal action regarding the custody of their son, Bentley. “I’m hoping it doesn’t get to that point,” she says, “but that would be the ultimatum.” Maci’s always tried to push Ryan to be a more active father to Bentley, so if she’s willing to go this route, it’s clear that she believes things are very, very bad . But, she acknowledges, “The other aspect of that too would be that if I’m limiting access to him, then I’m also going to have to do that with his parents, because they’re pretty much the sole caregivers of our son when he’s with his dad.” The counselor says that it sounds like Ryan’s parents enable his bad behavior, and Maci readily agrees. And so does everyone who’s ever watched an episode of Teen Mom. He also says that it sounds like she’s got an uphill battle ahead of her, and again, everyone agrees. Poor Maci … View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide!

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Maci Bookout Reveals Tragic New Details of Ryan Edwards’ Drug Use