If you use the internet, you will know that the key to photographing a shitty fucking face, i all in the way you purse your lips. It’s a trick average at best looking girls have been doing since myspace, you know to make those cheekbones pop, in hopes of making you want to pop to their sultry seductive gaze. So it’s only natural, that Ashley Tisdales, the Athlete’s foot of Hollywood, would be doing this post to compensate for her areas of weakness and botched plastic surgery, when really, all she should be doing is taking pics of her ass, cuz that shit makes me forget how angry her average looks make me, knowing that they make her over a million dollars a year, when so many actual hot girls could be doing the same shitty acting jobs she does, and would look better doing them…but her ass, that shit makes me forget all that is wrong in this world, or at least that this duckface exists. To See Her Topless in Maxim FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Ashley Tisdale’s Duck Face in Maniac Magazine of the Day