Tag Archives: horror-flicks

Skinstant Video Selections: Outlawed, Killer Nun, Cabin Fever, and More 2.20.19

It’s scary out there this month, so stay warm inside with a handful of skinsational horror flicks, along with a sex and nudity filled comedy trilogy!… read more

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Skinstant Video Selections: Outlawed, Killer Nun, Cabin Fever, and More 2.20.19

Chills For US: 5 Highly Slept On Black-Led Horror Movies To Check Out This Halloween

Five Great Lesser-Known Black Horror Films When you think of Black horror films …beyond Tales From The Hood and Candyman , you probably draw a big-time blank. Well, not to worry. We’ve got you covered with a few highly-yet-undeservedly looked-over horror flicks with Black actors holding the reigns. If you’re looking for a fright on this Hallow’s Eve and want to see a few melanated faces on your screen at the same time…we’ve got you covered. Here are five slept-on Horror films with African American characters in lead roles. The films we’ve picked here run the gamut in release dates — from genre-defining classics from 50 years ago, to 90’s flicks, to recent films you can pull up on Netflix right now. Hit the flip for your spooky watchlist. And trust us, the Black character DOES NOT die first in any of these selections! Let us know if these are flicks you’ve seen/enjoyed in the comment section… Getty/YouTube

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Chills For US: 5 Highly Slept On Black-Led Horror Movies To Check Out This Halloween

SKINcoming on DVD & Blu-ray: Westworld S1, The Limehouse Golem, and More 11.7.17

This week on home video we’ve got the skinsational first season of HBO’s latest sci-fi hit, some recent horror flicks, and a whole mess of remastered classics!… read more

SKINcoming on DVD & Blu-ray: Westworld S1, The Limehouse Golem, and More 11.7.17

Recently Remastered Horror Classics To Add Some Skin To Your Halloween Celebration!

Apart from Kate Hudson ‘s butt shot in the new flick Good People , there’s nothing in the way of nudity in this week’s new DVD & Blu-ray releases. With Halloween just three days away, we thought we’d take a look at some of the best horror flicks for the holiday, all of which have been recently remastered and re-released! Hit the jump for more pics and info…

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Recently Remastered Horror Classics To Add Some Skin To Your Halloween Celebration!

V/H/S Red-Band Trailer Scares, Bares [VIDEO]

Yesterday marked the official beginning of summer, but we’re already looking forward to fall here at Skin Central. Why? Because as big fans of horror flicks (and all the naked scream queens that come with them), fall is our favorite movie-going season of the year. And this October, V/H/S (2012) joins the proud pantheon of Halloween horror flicks with an anthology that celebrates the King of All Formats, the Video Home System. Our Skin Skout saw a preview at Sundance and says that while some segments are better than others, the audience went nuts for Adam Wingard ( A Horrible Way to Die ), Joe Swanberg ( Nights and Weekends ), Ti West ( The Innkeepers ), Radio Silence , Glenn McQuaid ( I Sell the Dead ), and David Bruckner ( The Signal )’s takes on the “found footage” (think Paranormal Activity ) genre. The red-band trailer for V/H/S hit the ‘net this week, giving us our first glimpse of Hannah Fierman , who goes full frontal as a monstrous seductress, and Helen Rogers , who bares boobs via Skype, in action. 00:35 for the very brief, but amply endowed, good part. V/H/S hits VOD on August 31 and theaters on October 5 , but you can see scream queens galore in Mr. Skin’s Favorite Horror Movie Nudes playlist right here at MrSkin.com

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V/H/S Red-Band Trailer Scares, Bares [VIDEO]

10 Life Lessons from Movie Monsters

Monster movies, from the Depression-era Universal classics to more modern fare, have always been synonymous with escapism. We’ve certainly never associated good life lessons with these nefarious creatures. But nevertheless, there may be a few to glean

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10 Life Lessons from Movie Monsters

Edited scene from ‘The Shining’ [PIC]

Photobombs: Turning horror flicks into comedies, one bathroom scene at a time.

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Edited scene from ‘The Shining’ [PIC]

Amber Heard Topless Scream Queen

I don’t watch horror movies because I’m a big pussy and won’t be able to sleep for a week if I do… So, that’s probably why I don’t know much about Amber Heard . Here she is in FHM dubbed as the “Scream Queen”. Anyway, I dig the topless tease, but I’m sure if she’s in horror flicks there are some nude scenes floating around… so feel free to send them my way.

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Amber Heard Topless Scream Queen