Yesterday marked the official beginning of summer, but we’re already looking forward to fall here at Skin Central. Why? Because as big fans of horror flicks (and all the naked scream queens that come with them), fall is our favorite movie-going season of the year. And this October, V/H/S (2012) joins the proud pantheon of Halloween horror flicks with an anthology that celebrates the King of All Formats, the Video Home System. Our Skin Skout saw a preview at Sundance and says that while some segments are better than others, the audience went nuts for Adam Wingard ( A Horrible Way to Die ), Joe Swanberg ( Nights and Weekends ), Ti West ( The Innkeepers ), Radio Silence , Glenn McQuaid ( I Sell the Dead ), and David Bruckner ( The Signal )’s takes on the “found footage” (think Paranormal Activity ) genre. The red-band trailer for V/H/S hit the ‘net this week, giving us our first glimpse of Hannah Fierman , who goes full frontal as a monstrous seductress, and Helen Rogers , who bares boobs via Skype, in action. 00:35 for the very brief, but amply endowed, good part. V/H/S hits VOD on August 31 and theaters on October 5 , but you can see scream queens galore in Mr. Skin’s Favorite Horror Movie Nudes playlist right here at
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V/H/S Red-Band Trailer Scares, Bares [VIDEO]
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged because-as-big, clips, Hollywood, horror, horror-flicks, joins-the-proud, mma, movie, Sex, TMZ, video