Tag Archives: count-chocula

Thanatos Mech Halloween Costume

Poor kid can barely walk in his bulky Thanatos Halloween costume. That must have been the loooongest night of trick or treating ever.

Original post:
Thanatos Mech Halloween Costume

Double Newsbomb

Props to these two guys for pulling off a rare double bomb. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

It's Not A Tumor, Just Brain Worms.

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,4…

Go here to see the original:
It's Not A Tumor, Just Brain Worms.

Glenn Beck Loses

Glenn Beck has lost his lawsuit against the founder of the website GlennBeckRapedAndMurderedaYoungGirlIn1990.com. The backstory is kind of convoluted, but the site was set up to parody Beck's rhetorical method of spreading rumors. Now the lawsuit's over, the site's owner has donated it back to Beck.

See the original post here:
Glenn Beck Loses

Count Chocula: History's Most Dangerous Vampire

According the the “experts” at Wikipedia, It would appear that of all the terrible and monstrous vampires in history, Count Chocula has the fewest weaknesses.

Read more:
Count Chocula: History's Most Dangerous Vampire

10 Life Lessons from Movie Monsters

Monster movies, from the Depression-era Universal classics to more modern fare, have always been synonymous with escapism. We’ve certainly never associated good life lessons with these nefarious creatures. But nevertheless, there may be a few to glean

Excerpt from:
10 Life Lessons from Movie Monsters

Edited scene from ‘The Shining’ [PIC]

Photobombs: Turning horror flicks into comedies, one bathroom scene at a time.

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Edited scene from ‘The Shining’ [PIC]

Pop Culture’s Least Scary Monsters [INFOGRAPHIC]

Grover vs. Count Chocula vs.

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Pop Culture’s Least Scary Monsters [INFOGRAPHIC]