Tag Archives: hottie-should

Julia Pereira Is Still The Most Sexy And Bootylicious Swimwear Designer

Here’s my favorite bikini model/swimsuit designer Julia Pereira showing off her latest collection of swimwear for Lybethras. Although if you ask me, these pictures of the Brazilian hottie should probably come with a disclaimer or something — Warning: results not typical. Because otherwise, I have a feeling there’s going to be a whole lot of disappointed husbands out there when their wives don’t look anywhere near this good. » view all 15 photos Photos: Mario Velloso

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Julia Pereira Is Still The Most Sexy And Bootylicious Swimwear Designer

Rachel Bilson Needs To Work It More

Rachel Bilson is a cutie and all, but she really needs to work on her presentation. Here she is out the other day dressed as a teenage boy. This is not what a Hollywood hottie should be wearing, unless she’s painting your house, tight spandex leggings and a tube top would be much more appropriate in this situation. You don’t need to actually go to pilates class to look like you’re going to pilates class. I would also accept booty shorts or a mini skirt.