Tag Archives: house-yesterday

Jennifer Aniston Gives Us A Peak

Jennifer Aniston isn’t exactly known for her flashy outfits, late night partying or accidental lady junk flashes, so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that these pictures of her flashing her bra are kind of lame. Here she is at the premiere of some made for TV movie, that sounds about right, doing her best to look like a hot piece. Meh. I’ve seen worse I guess. Although, the lady I saw breast feeding her baby outside my house yesterday did more for my libido than this bra flash. Not a good sign.

Tila Tequila Pretends To Be Stalked

Lying about pregnancy is sooooo last week. The new attention-grabbing fad? Inventing a stalker! Isn’t that right, Tila Tequila? With buzz dying down over her fake baby , the extraordinarily troubled celebrity has resorted to a new story in order to remain in the news: someone is supposedly stalking her. Police cars were summoned to Tila’s San Fernando Valley house yesterday, as they responded to a distress call from the reality TV star. She claimed there was a man in a car sitting outside her property and that he had been there for two weeks. In a stunning turn of events, though, officers searched the scene and found no trace of anyone. But Tila insists she’s telling the truth. “There’s been a psycho stalker and he’s getting closer to my door and tried to get in,” she lied to Radar Online. “He’s been sitting in the rain for days trying to say hi to me. He put his eye up to my door and was trying to peek in.” Hmmm… we wonder if he saw her making love to her baby daddy in that case. Last April, Tequila claimed someone broke into her home and posted messages on her Twitter account. Police were suspicious because the messages were actually coherent and full of truth, but no arrests were made.

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Tila Tequila Pretends To Be Stalked

Lady Gaga's Christmas Album

Lady Gaga gets in the holiday spirit with this compilation of soon to be classics such as “Bad Snowmans” and “Ho-ho-Hoker Face.” Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Elin Woods Is Moving Out

Link: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national… Movers were spotted at Tiger Woods' house yesterday, hauling out furniture and taking directions from Elin.

See the rest here:
Elin Woods Is Moving Out