Considering she’s the kind of bitch who gets her make-up tattooed to her tacky face, I’m not sure how accurate this “No Make-Up” statement is, and I’m gonna go with not very accurate, cuz botox and fake lips in what could be the most materialistic, vain despite being chubby pussy in hollywood, who no one really understands or really cares about, but who managed to make 65 million dollars last year, just doesn’t do the no make up thing, ever, under any circumstance, and maybe what we are seeing is that she’s just not wearing as much fucking make-up as her whore face normally does, you know none of that movie magic shit that makes her look like a tranny about to perform, and just some subtle everyday make-up that is probably substantially more than the women you encounter wear, but less than her usual clown get-up…and knowing these girls, she’s probably made up to not look made up for publicity…and the real question is why the fuck am I writing about this? Seriously. Should I just kill myself now, or let nature take it’s course…cuz this has got to be the fucking end…. What it comes down to is that she’s a fucking monster…. And some spandex…..faking a gym visit….even though her ass can’t back up that lie….
Read more from the original source:
Kim Kardashian’s Got No Make-Up On of the Day