Tag Archives: very-accurate

Miss Universe 2015 Will Be Miss Austria

I know this year’s Miss Universe contest hasn’t even started yet, but after checking out these pictures from the press junket in Miami, I’m already set to crown this year’s winner: Miss Austria . Now I know some of you cynics out there will say there’s no way I can tell that without seeing the show first, but I use a very accurate points system: it involves measuring the size of my pants tent to the millimeter. Trust me, it never fails. » view all 46 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Miss Universe 2015 Will Be Miss Austria

Kim Kardashian’s Got No Make-Up On of the Day

Considering she’s the kind of bitch who gets her make-up tattooed to her tacky face, I’m not sure how accurate this “No Make-Up” statement is, and I’m gonna go with not very accurate, cuz botox and fake lips in what could be the most materialistic, vain despite being chubby pussy in hollywood, who no one really understands or really cares about, but who managed to make 65 million dollars last year, just doesn’t do the no make up thing, ever, under any circumstance, and maybe what we are seeing is that she’s just not wearing as much fucking make-up as her whore face normally does, you know none of that movie magic shit that makes her look like a tranny about to perform, and just some subtle everyday make-up that is probably substantially more than the women you encounter wear, but less than her usual clown get-up…and knowing these girls, she’s probably made up to not look made up for publicity…and the real question is why the fuck am I writing about this? Seriously. Should I just kill myself now, or let nature take it’s course…cuz this has got to be the fucking end…. What it comes down to is that she’s a fucking monster…. And some spandex…..faking a gym visit….even though her ass can’t back up that lie….

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Kim Kardashian’s Got No Make-Up On of the Day

Hi Hater: Rihanna’s Potty Mouth P*sses Parents Off Again

Once again, Rihanna seems to have forgotten that her fans and their parents watch her every moves. Rihanna is in trouble after using a very bad word in a tweet yesterday. We can’t say what it is unfortunately, but you can see yourself here. In response to a friend making a very accurate observation regarding Rihanna’s hairstyle (“Watchin clifford the big red dog =) somehow im reminded of @Rihanna idk why tho”) Rihanna wrote, “LMAO (Laughing my arse off), Katt u lil c***.” A fan later told The Sun: “Rihanna is a role model to millions of young, impressionable kids. “She shouldn’t be using that kind of language – especially when she knows how many people follow her.” Rihanna doesn’t seem to mind much though – in response to an article about her ‘inappropriate rant’ (hardly a rant), she tweeted “#biteME”. Do you think celebrities should censor their tweets for the kids? Or is it the parents’ job to restrict the content their kids have access to? Source

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Hi Hater: Rihanna’s Potty Mouth P*sses Parents Off Again