If it’s Tuesday, that means it’s time for you to once again furiously search through The Vault for some flashbacks to Movieline interviews of yore. The archives from 2002 are currently available for your perusing pleasure, and in addition to early interviews with James Franco , Beyonce and Emile Hirsch , there’s a brief sit-down with Jason Isaacs. At the time, Isaacs was gearing up to play Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter an the Chamber of Secrets . What was his favorite part of the high-profile job? “They shot in London, which is my home, and I got to bring my godkids with me and impress the sh*t out of my friends.” Imagine how impressed they would have been if he didn’t have to share a haircut with Legolas . [ The Vault ]
The rest is here:
Jason Isaacs on the Perks of Playing Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged brief-sit-down, chamber, godkids, Hollywood, how-impressed, London, movieline, perusing, the vault, time, TMZ