If a man doesn’t call when he promises he will, does that mean he’s just not that into you? Maybe what were fireworks to you were barely a flicker to him, but maybe he really is just busy. Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where you feel the need to over-analyze your partner’s behavior in an effort to decipher how he truly feels about you? The honest truth is that biologically men’s brains aren’t built with the best communication skills and women can sometimes misinterpret their intentions. Sometimes we put so much energy into trying to play the mentalist, that we lose focus of the obvious signs. Here are some ways to figure out if that “what if” or “maybe” is a “yes” or “definitely” when direct communication just isn’t an option. Continued at MadameNoire.com
Read more here:
How to Turn “Maybes” Into “Yes” in Relationships