We’re always on the lookout for an update on Paris Jackson’s life. Maybe it’s a new photo, maybe it’s a meme. it’s actually usually a meme. This time, though, the 19-year-old model has shared two new So, remember Paris Jackson’s new tattoo ? The one of the chakras that runs along her chest. She’s showing it off again, but this time she’s outdoors among some beautiful flowers. Plus, she’s flashing a little sideboob. That never hurts. Paris Jackson is full of life, love, and she’s so carefree! She’s also an intensely spiritual person . She has her detractors, because people love to hate celebrities — but also because some people can’t stand to see someone happy and want to try their best to ruin someone’s day. We’re not saying that we always agree with her on everything, though watching Paris Jackson bash white supremacy really warmed the cockles of our hearts. But given that her family’s tragedies (some of which are ongoing) create circumstances in which she could have been a miserable person who didn’t even make it to adulthood, we’re so happy that she’s found a life path that brings her a sense of fulfillment. Plus, she’s just a treat to follow. (We love memes!) Anyway, here’s the first of the two new pics that she shared: She tagged this photo and the next one: “I can feel the flower power.” Plus a flower emoji. She’s just precious. And, as we said, super spiritual with a New Agey vibe … but in a way that seems way more chill than, like, the way that some other folks can be. Like we said, she’s showing a little sideboob, there. Paris Jackson doesn’t shy away from sharing topless selfies , so some sideboob is nothing. She looks great, though! The next photo shows a much closer look at her latest tattoo. This tattoo has a powerful spiritual meaning, since it portrays the seven chakras. Paris recently posted to Instagram about the feelings of spiritual contentment that she achieves from really embracing the natural world. “I can honestly say that before this week, i have never been able to show my true form to more than one person at a time. being able to channel my higher self and just vibrate at a frequency where i am one with the fluidity of mama gaia as well as the beautiful souls i had the pleasure of creating with, has been a journey i will never forget.” There’s a lot of New Age spirituality that borrows from other faith traditions, like certain polytheistic faiths, and includes animistic beliefs. You can see a lot of that in Paris’ writing. “Embracing the gifts, facing my mortality, connecting with new and old friends. i thank everyone around me for this growth, the moon, mercury, my guides, and great spirit. i never want to lose this feeling.” Hey, for what it’s worth, we hope that she never loses this feeling, either. We’re happy to see her happy. If you still need a better look at that tattoo, here’s a glimpse with better lighting. Paris censored that herself, of course, per Instagram’s infamous hang-ups about women and their “scandalous” nip nops. Anyway, you don’t have to share Paris’ beliefs to admire her level of devotion to improving her life and maintaining her overall well-being. We think that it’s great that she continues to share so much of herself and personal journey with fans and followers. A lot of celebrity kids run from the spotlight, but Paris has found a powerful way to embrace it. And she can teach a lot of people about body positivity in the process.
Continued here:
Paris Jackson: Shows Off Tats, Sideboob in Flower Photos!