Tag Archives: restoring-honor

Tribune’s Matea Gold: Jon Stewart Rally ‘Could Draw Tens of Thousands’

Just two days before Glenn Beck’s August 28 “Restoring Honor” rally, the Washington Post published an article about how the rally would “be a measure of the tea party’s strength.” “When Fox News and talk radio host Glenn Beck comes to Washington this weekend to headline a rally intended to ‘restore honor’ to America, he will test the strength – and potentially expose the weaknesses – of a conservative grass-roots movement that remains an unpredictable force in the country’s politics,” staffer Amy Gardner argued in the opening paragraph of her August 26 story. Gardner’s article is but one example of the media’s skeptical attitude prior to the Beck rally. Yet just days after two Comedy Central hosts announced mock rallies for October 30 on the Mall, the liberal media are expecting that Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert can easily draw a large crowd.  I noted the breathless anticipation of Newsweek’s Daniel Stone last Friday . Now it seems that Matea Gold of the Washington bureau of the Tribune Company is also decidedly optimistic. In her 13-paragraph article, accessible at LATimes.com , Gold quoted a few folks who plan on attending and took the Facebook RSVPs on face value as a signal about potential attendance: As of Wednesday afternoon, more than 132,000 people planned to attend, according to the event’s Facebook page, while satellite rallies were being organized in Chicago, Seattle, Austin and other cities. Nowhere in her article did Gold give ink to any skeptic who would rain on the Comedy Central parade by suggesting the initial “hey, that sounds cool” interest by Stewart/Colbert fans would fail to flesh out into actual attendance after they consider the cost and hassle of attending the event.

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Tribune’s Matea Gold: Jon Stewart Rally ‘Could Draw Tens of Thousands’

Glenn Beck Destroys NAACP President’s Malicious Suggestion of Racism Regarding Beck Rally Attendees

On Saturday, NewsBusters sister site Eyeblast.tv sent contributing editor Joe Schoffstall to see what exactly Al Sharpton’s protest rally was all about. While there, he was able to get an interview with NAACP President Ben Jealous regarding his thoughts on Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally. Jealous claimed that those at Restoring Honor wouldn’t applaud Dr. King’s historic 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech. Beck aired that Eyeblast video and promptly destroyed Jealous’s argument by playing clips of the crowd enthusiastically cheering mentions of the late civil rights leader. You can watch the relevant excerpt from the August 31 “Glenn Beck” show by clicking the play button on the embed above.

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Glenn Beck Destroys NAACP President’s Malicious Suggestion of Racism Regarding Beck Rally Attendees

WaPo’s Eugene Robinson Dismisses MLK Niece Alveda King as ‘Figurehead or Puppet’ of Glenn Beck

Appearing as a guest on Friday’s Countdown show on MSNBC, during a discussion of conservative talker Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson dismissed Dr. Alveda King – niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and former Georgia state representative – as a “figurehead or puppet” of Beck because of her scheduled participation in the rally. And, even though she and her father took part in the Civil Rights Movement and even endured having her home bombed in the 1960s, Robinson went on to suggest that she really is not one of the “keepers of [Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s] legacy” because she is supposedly “estranged from the rest of the King family.” Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Friday, August 27, Countdown show on MSNBC: KEITH OLBERMANN: Lastly, Alveda King’s appearance there, Dr. King’s niece and her appearance tomorrow. Is there anything to say about that? EUGENE ROBINSON, WASHINGTON POST: Just that she becomes a very convenient figurehead or puppet or whatever you want to call her for Beck’s view. She’s a fundamentalist, very conservative Christian. That’s how she would describe herself. She’s estranged from the rest of the King family, and from the keepers of his legacy. She has her own, they believe that gay marriage is genocide, and that’s who she is. And so she’ll be there. And they’ll make a whole lot of the fact that an actual relative of Dr. King is there at the march speaking.

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WaPo’s Eugene Robinson Dismisses MLK Niece Alveda King as ‘Figurehead or Puppet’ of Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck: I Wore A Bulletproof Vest To Rally At My Wife’s Request

Glenn Beck spent his entire show tonight discussing various details from his Restoring Honor rally this weekend. Beck took (perhaps not surprisingly) great issue with some of the coverage of the rally, namely that the media was low-balling the numbers of people who attended. He also pointed out the peaceful nature of the crowd, and the fact there were no arrests. Interestingly, Beck confirmed what a number of people attending the event had speculated: he was indeed wearing a bulletproof vest. Said Beck: “I was wearing it because my wife asked me to wear it.” Beck also noted that while he offered Alveda King one she declined. added by: TimALoftis

Will Media Notice How Clean Beck Rally Participants Left National Mall?

There was a huge “Restoring Honor” rally at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial Saturday, but you couldn’t tell hours later given how clean the National Mall was:  Compare that to how this area looked after Inauguration Day on January 20, 2009: The Left in our nation is always depicted by media sycophants as concerned with the environment. By contrast, these same people always paint a picture of the Right being exclusively focused on profits with total disregard for nature and ecology. What do these two videos say about this “conventional wisdom,” and will Obama-loving media members in the post-rally coverage of this event point out to readers and viewers just how clean our National Mall was left by these awful, greedy, right-wing extremists?

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Will Media Notice How Clean Beck Rally Participants Left National Mall?

Amanpour Offers Bitter-Clinger Variation To Explain Beck Rally Success

Christiane Amanpour just sealed her victory as recipient of my Obama Parrot of the Week Award . .   That’s the dubious prize I give out to on my local TV show to the media member most ardently echoing the Obama party line.  The moderator of This Week sewed up the win with her remarks on GMA this morning, as she sought to explain the big turnout at Glenn Beck’s rally yesterday. Readers will recall that at that ritzy fund-raiser in San Francisco, candidate Obama explained the attitudes of poor rural Pennsylvanians in terms of “bitter” people who “cling” to their religion and values.  Check out Amanpour’s analysis of those attending the Beck rally and other similar events, and see if it doesn’t sound eerily similar. CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR:  Most of the speeches, which were about religion , about God, about the title of the march, which was Restoring Honor, which meant about the military, and every time that the speakers spoke about members of the military at war in Iraq and Afghanistan there were huge cheers. And it was about—as speaker after speaker kept saying—restoring patriotism and proud-to-be-an-American .  I point that out because I think that it was gets such a big cheer from people. And perhaps when we try to figure out why there’s such a huge number of people coming to these rallies, in a period of time when people feel such anxiety, such anger, such sort of worry about what’s going on around them—the economy and the rest—they come here and they hear a feel-good message, and that they respond to. Sounds like Amanpour sees religion and patriotism as . . . the opiate of the masses.

See the rest here:
Amanpour Offers Bitter-Clinger Variation To Explain Beck Rally Success

Amateur Hour at CNN: Error-Filled Chyron During Beck Rally

There is something about CNN and the people writing chyrons for the alleged “most trusted name in news” with the “best political team on television.” Last week, these geniuses clarified the White House’s position on President Barack Obama’s religion. However on CNN Aug. 28 coverage of Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally, which CNN reporters and anchors seemingly held their collective noses up and reported on throughout the event, the chyron on the screen was something likened to one of those parlor games where you circle the numerous errors involved. (h/t Inside Cable News ) First off, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s name was misspelled. Second, she was identified as a former presidential candidate, when she was actually the Republican vice-presidential nominee in 2008. And finally, it’s labeling Beck as Palin. Just not a good day for CNN.

Original post:
Amateur Hour at CNN: Error-Filled Chyron During Beck Rally

Everything You Need to Know About Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally Tomorrow [Guides]

Tomorrow, Glenn Beck intends to save this nation from communists and other ne’er-do-wells at his “Restoring Honor” rally, live from Washington D.C. Will you be there? Because we will! Oh, yes! In the meantime, here’s what to expect. More

Olbermann Rips ‘Racist’ Nugent for Speaking at Beck Rally He’s NOT Going To

Keith Olbermann on Friday evening once again stuck his foot in his mouth on national television when he bashed Ted Nugent for appearing at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally next Saturday. Problem is Nugent is booked at the Boise Knitting Factory Concert House that night, and won’t be attending the Beck event. But this actually wasn’t the only fact Olbermann got wrong on MSNBC’s “Countdown,” for he also accused Nugent of making racist remarks while giving a concert in Dubuque, Iowa, a few weeks ago. Turns out that was 100 percent false as well (video follows with transcript and commentary): KEITH OLBERMANN, HOST: But our winner, Ted Nugent, former musician. He doesn`t have a call in phony advice show and he was never on anything as big as “Seinfeld,” so it has taken nearly two weeks for this to get out. At the Mississippi Moon Bar in Dubuque, Iowa, August 5th, Mr. Nugent looked out over his audience and, according to the “Dubuque Telegraph Herald” said, quote, “there is a lot of white people in this crowd. I like that. This is a white town.” Witnesses say he then pointed to at least one member of the audience and questioned that man`s race. Why would overt racism from a prominent right wing nut job and gun freak take two weeks to get national attention? Because Ted Nugent hasn`t been famous since about 1977. But here`s the punch line: one of the speakers at the Beck-apocalypse August 28th, the anniversary of Martin Luther King`s “I Have a Dream Speech” near the Lincoln Memorial? Ted Nugent. I know. I know. You thought he was dead, today`s worst person in the world. Well, Keith, according to the schedule at the Knitting Factory website, Nugent is performing there on August 28: Nice job of research there, Keith! Of course, as Tommy Christopher pointed out shortly after Olbermann’s faux pas, it appears the “Countdown” host once again blindly relied on the shills at Media Matters who wrongly wrote about this issue early Friday afternoon. Making matters worse, a photographer that was in the crowd at the Mississippi Moon Bar in Dubuque on the evening in question has flatly contradicted what Olbermann, Media Matters, and the Telegraph Herald claimed: Although the Telegraph Herald seemed to be reporting that Ted Nugent put on a racially biased show last night, what I head [sic] him say in his opening monologue was this: “Hey there sure are a lot of white people in this crowd. You need to do something about that.” He later said, heavy on the sarcasm, “Dubuque is a white town.” If anything, Nugent showed how much he honored and respected black performers of the past such as Wilson Pickett, Ray Charles, Chuck Berry and James Brown among others. He said at one point that all American soul came from these black performers who gave their blood, sweat and tears to the music. He even launched into an American Soul retrospective with songs such as Soul Man and Hey Baby. So, it appears Olbermann and the shills he foolishly allows to do his research for him got this issue totally wrong. General Electric and NBC must be so proud of their employees involved with this prime time MSNBC program!  That said, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for Olbermann to retract this nonsense next week for that requires character.

Go here to see the original:
Olbermann Rips ‘Racist’ Nugent for Speaking at Beck Rally He’s NOT Going To

Glenn Beck Told He Can’t Lead Audience In Prayer At Kennedy Center

Conservative talk radio host Glenn Beck was told by officials at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts that he can’t lead his audience in prayer at his August 27 Divine Destiny event. Beck has rented out the facility the night before his “Restoring Honor” celebration at the Lincoln Memorial for “an eye-opening evening…that will help heal your soul.” As Beck relayed to his radio audience Monday, his religious plans during the festivities were a serious point of contention before the powers that be came to their senses (video follows with transcript and commentary): GLENN BECK: They have told people on the steps of the Supreme Court that they cannot pray there. They have told students on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial they can’t sing the National Anthem there. And last week I was told by the Kennedy Center that we could not pray there. We were told by the Kennedy Center in no uncertain terms that we could hold our event there, sure we had a contract. But they weren’t told that we were going to have an opening prayer. The program is has the word divine in it, our divine destiny. We couldn’t pray at the Kennedy Center. So my attorneys came to me and said, Glenn, are you willing to compromise on it? And I said, I sure am. You tell them that not only will I do an opening prayer, I’ll do a closing prayer, and the entire program may be a prayer. In fact, take this down. It is a night of prayer. You’ll see if you are lucky enough to get a ticket to the Kennedy Center, and they are not for sale. You will see in the program how I described it. I described it that way. So they could print that in their program at the Kennedy Center which they insisted on having after they told us we couldn’t pray. I said, let me dictate this one. Friday night I was supposed to have a meeting today at 1:00 with their attorneys and I had already talked to my attorneys. Zero compromise. We asked them, where is that in your I didn’t see that in your rules and regulations. “It’s not written down.” No prayer at a federally funded building. Friday night I think they got a hold of Common Sense. They alerted me Friday night that they will allow prayer to happen on the stage of the Kennedy Center. I told them, thank you so much for your graciousness. I appreciate the scrap from the table. America, our religion and our faith is under attack and whether people care to realize it or not, it is. Ironically as our friends at The Right Scoop noted , prayer isn’t allowed in government buildings, but the current President “can still have a Ramadan dinner at the White House.” That said, Beck informed his readers of this event Wednesday: Glenn Beck’s Divine Destiny is an eye-opening evening at the historic Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C that will help heal your soul. Guided by uplifting music, nationally-known religious figures from all faiths will unite to deliver messages reminiscent to those given during the struggles of America’s earliest days. The event will leave you with a renewed determination to look past the partisan differences and petty problems that fill our airwaves and instead focus our shared values, principles and strong belief that faith can play an essential role in reuniting the country.  Those interested can read more about Restoring Honor here .

Glenn Beck Told He Can’t Lead Audience In Prayer At Kennedy Center