Tag Archives: human-elements

Ashley Tisdale Ass for Allure of the Day

I do a thing here called the Ashley Tisdale Ugly watch, it stemmed from her winning some hottest girl of the year award, and my immediate need to educate the youth that media lied to them, that this award was paid for, and that she is in no way the hottest anything, except maybe fuck, cuz ugly girls put in a lot of effort, but usually not after they’ve won hottest girl awards, it distorts their insecurities…. I stopped doing the Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch, because along with the rest of the world, I totally forgot about Ashley Tisdale’s existance, sure there would be pics of her Ugly face leaving the gym, I guess prepping to get naked in Allure cuz she knew someone there who convinced the editors to bring her on, and this is the result….her ass naked, photoshopped and in magazine….because if she took a lesson from the Hudgens nude strategy, which was a lot of headaches for the equal amount of publicity and far less hairy pussy lip exposed…not that it matters. Here’s Tisdale, looking better than ever, cuz I don’t have to focus on that sour face with a botched nose job…and can focus on what is important, an ass crack, a cheesy tattoo, some feet and some titty from the back side….if you know what I mean… Remember it’s best to ignore these pics, cuz that’ll make her try harder next time….this is the dipping her toe into the naked shit to see if it is for her…cuz thankfully Disney girls are all the fucking same…

Original post:
Ashley Tisdale Ass for Allure of the Day

Hayden Panettiere Hugs Emma Roberts Strongly of the Day

These pictures are from the Scream 4 premiere. Which brought out some Neve Campbell cuz it was the last gig she’s had that made her money and Courtney Cox cuz she like revisiting the place she found love and a baby daddy, but more importantly it brought out some Hayden tit… But more importantly, I think Hayden’s midget wrestling strong man ass has been spending too much time with her Russian beast of a boxing boyfriend, because these pictures of her getting down with Emma Roberts aren’t the sensual amazingness you’d expect two young girls hugging to be, you know Emma Roberts is pretty much being violated and thrown the fuck around by the bitch, the good news is that there’s always room for fantasy…cuz to some people, bitch on bitch in any circumstance, especially dressed up in dresses like they are going to prom, pulling some WWF stunts, or even frat boy jock stunts while normal sized women watch the midgets in action is the fantasy….

Read the original:
Hayden Panettiere Hugs Emma Roberts Strongly of the Day

Kaley Cuoco Shitty Nudes for Allure of the Day

I posted the Ashley Tisdale Allure nudes earlier…. Here is Kaley Cuoco, who I guess is in this issue also. I can see Allure took out the big guns, budget was no object, hire the real A-Listers, put Angelina Jolie and fucking Miley Cyrus on hold, we’ve got two bitches who need all the press they can get….hilarious…. This is photoshopped to shit. I don’t know if I’m looking at a picture of an actual girl, or if this is one of those vending machines you see at the train station that allows you to print up your face as if it was painted by a famous artist using, it’s like a fucking 2 dollar computer generated Picasso, where all human elements of the bitch have been airbrushed away…. Not that it matters, cuz I don’t even know who this Kaley bitch is. I don’t watch sitcoms, and I didn’t think I was watching when she helped John Ritter die on her last sitcom… But here are her nudes that are so staged, she might as well be clothed…

The rest is here:
Kaley Cuoco Shitty Nudes for Allure of the Day