I’ve never found a black girl willing to fuck me….and I want one to so bad…cuz black girls are hot…and maybe it is cuz I don’t do enough black specific content…. Maybe it is cuz I do not post enough on Chanel Iman… I have pretty much only posted her Victoria’s Secret bullshit runway shit….and once I Posted some HALF NIPPLE and another time I posted a bit of her ASS with a bunch of white girls…and I have no idea why I haven’t given her more love…this is exactly the waist to hip ratio I loook for in a bitch…and she’s 3/4 black, 1/4 Asian and her fucking hybrid human species is what interbreeding is all about…as far as I’m concerned she turned out pretty fucking perfect….but maybe that’s just the tail end of black history month excitement talking… Here she is in Foam magazine….
Read the original here:
Chanel Iman’s Half Naked for Foam of the Day