Mel Gibson’s own stepmother, Teddy Joye Hicks Gibson, says the actor spit in her face, threatened her and sabotaged her marriage, according to reports. Joye, who married Mel’s father Hutton Gibson in 2001, has formally filed for a restraining order against Mel in court, claiming she fears for her safety. Joye claims Mel and his sister Maura despise her because she doesn’t approve of all the medical treatments they’ve been pressuring Hutton to undergo. Hutton Gibson, 93, has a host of serious health problems. Teddy Joye Hicks Gibson claims that, among other things … “Mel began yelling and saying, ‘f*ck this, f*ck that’ while leveling other extremely offensive language at me” because she does not approve of “experimental Ozone treatments” Hutton was undergoing. (10/11) Mel warned her “not to f*ck with [Hutton’s] treatments in any way.” (10/11) Visiting Hutton in the hospital, she said something that pissed Mel off and he “began yelling at me in a very loud and terrifying voice.” (1/12) After she refused his cooking on a trip to seek stem cell treatment for Hutton, “Mel looked at me in disgust and said that I was insulting him by not eating. He then threatened that if I did not eat he would have me put outside.” (3/12) During a family meeting to discuss Hutton’s health care, “Mel became incensed and began acting like a wild man … He was so close that I could feel his spit hitting my face. [Mel’s eyes] looked as if they were bulging out of his head.” (5/12) Joye says Mel must have manipulated their ailing father into filing for divorce, which he did in June, as Hutton, a devout Catholic, doesn’t believe in divorce. Joye
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged bieber, certain-aspects, cooking, face, Gossip, Hollywood, hollywood update, hutton, invalid, Marriage, mel gibson, prosecutor, says-the-actor, visiting-hutton