Tag Archives: ideally-it-acts

Jennifer Lopez Getting Slutty for a Magazine of the Day

Here’s J.Lo in some magazine wearing the silliest of dresses because it is more of a cape…as it doesn’t really cover 25-50 percent of her…allowing her to show off her fitness and thickness in it’s 50s like she was still in her 20s because a huge amount of money goes into her trying to look as good as she can for as long as she can thanks to being rich and being vain. This is the kind of photo people will celebrate, they will call fierce and daring and inspiring, partially because the media is fake and sucks up to all these people all the fucking time….I’ve seen it for my entire existence as a blogger…like no one wants to call out an old whore for being an old whore…but instead want to pretend this shamelessness and exhibitionism is empowering… I remember when I first saw publicist spin stories many years ago and I laughed because the media ran the spun story because they didn’t want to be ousted by the celebrity, network, or whoever else was behind the publicist….they didn’t want to lose advertisers…so they just gave into the powers that be… Now, I don’t midn this J.Lo in a cape, not all cape wearers are heroes bullshit, but it is a little fucking shameless and attention seeking, like the old lady at the night club showing everyone her pussy to get noticed or entice someone to fuck her…because they are too busy looking at young hot chicks dance…you know what I mean…it’s a Look at me, I’ve sucked mad dick and can do things to you a young girl doesn’t even know exists, only she doesn’t realize that young girls grew up on porn and are WELL aware of what they need to do to get things done… Here’s a celebration of having a chef, trainer, all the beauty products, strategic cosmetic surgery….and all the other shit J.Lo puts into looking her best at 50….and ideally it acts as inspiration for all girls to wear dresses like this out in public…from Prom to Bar Mitzvahs to Weddings and funerals….integrate this look… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jennifer Lopez Getting Slutty for a Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jennifer Lopez Getting Slutty for a Magazine of the Day