Tag Archives: getting-slutty

Sarah Hyland Tits of the Day

It has been weird watching the weird looking Sarah Hyland slowly come Into herself…maybe it was the spirit from her second Kindney transplant that took over her soul and made her more fun, more slutty, more of an Exhibitionist…. Or it could just be instagram and how people need following to get work or bonuses and actors love their egos being stroked by as many people as possible and getting slutty or half naked is the way to that fix…it’s a drug people a drug that gets all them girls to drop them Panties…being an Exhibitionist is just for drunk college girls and strippers anymore. Back in the day, ABC / Disney would fire a bitch for this…and here she is being rewarded by all… Not bad for a creepy looking weird face and her face injections. Not bad at all. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sarah Hyland Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sarah Hyland Tits of the Day

Cindy Crawford Naked of the Day

I don’t know why Cindy Crawford is naked, I am going to assume it is because that’s just the kind of shameless egotistical vain person that she is… I mean she is the kind of mom who realizes that she’s old and expired so she throws her teen daughter in the mix as her clone or proxy to take over the family legacy, getting slutty for photographers and getting paid by brands to pose… but not before she throws off her mom fitness gear that rich moms seem to wear and pose for some photographer…..covering her sloppy mom tits….cuz she needs to keep up some mystery…even though it’s no time for mystery at her age…it’s actually the time she puts it all out there but she probably doesn’t want images like that out there…it’s like “BLACK AND WHITE AND STRATEGIC ANGLES”….then use my kid for the close up pussy pics…mine is too far gone…stunt double shit…instead of just sending her daughter to med school or something practical….LA…a garbage place with garbage people who have too much money. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! [newsletter_form type=”minimal”] The post Cindy Crawford Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Cindy Crawford Naked of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Getting Slutty for a Magazine of the Day

Here’s J.Lo in some magazine wearing the silliest of dresses because it is more of a cape…as it doesn’t really cover 25-50 percent of her…allowing her to show off her fitness and thickness in it’s 50s like she was still in her 20s because a huge amount of money goes into her trying to look as good as she can for as long as she can thanks to being rich and being vain. This is the kind of photo people will celebrate, they will call fierce and daring and inspiring, partially because the media is fake and sucks up to all these people all the fucking time….I’ve seen it for my entire existence as a blogger…like no one wants to call out an old whore for being an old whore…but instead want to pretend this shamelessness and exhibitionism is empowering… I remember when I first saw publicist spin stories many years ago and I laughed because the media ran the spun story because they didn’t want to be ousted by the celebrity, network, or whoever else was behind the publicist….they didn’t want to lose advertisers…so they just gave into the powers that be… Now, I don’t midn this J.Lo in a cape, not all cape wearers are heroes bullshit, but it is a little fucking shameless and attention seeking, like the old lady at the night club showing everyone her pussy to get noticed or entice someone to fuck her…because they are too busy looking at young hot chicks dance…you know what I mean…it’s a Look at me, I’ve sucked mad dick and can do things to you a young girl doesn’t even know exists, only she doesn’t realize that young girls grew up on porn and are WELL aware of what they need to do to get things done… Here’s a celebration of having a chef, trainer, all the beauty products, strategic cosmetic surgery….and all the other shit J.Lo puts into looking her best at 50….and ideally it acts as inspiration for all girls to wear dresses like this out in public…from Prom to Bar Mitzvahs to Weddings and funerals….integrate this look… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jennifer Lopez Getting Slutty for a Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jennifer Lopez Getting Slutty for a Magazine of the Day

Ronda Rousey Body Painted for Sports Illustrated of the Day

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit editor – MJ DAY, posted this picture of a booty that is body painted, as a glimpse into their issue… They try to keep the pics “Secret”…to keep hype up for the February magazine that I would argue has no real purpose in this day and age, where all these girls do bikini photoshoots with more concept and creativity….and better photographers…all the fucking time… But she kept Rousey’s tattoo in the pic….of a body painted ass….SPOILER ALERT… I would argue, that bikini and body painted girls are cheesy, fun, half naked, worth looking at, but there there’s just nothing exciting about any of these girls, that justify a magazine issue that really carries the brand, when the bikini content is being done on the fucking regular..there is no need for the magazine that covers it….But no one cares what I fucking think… It’s just that back when SI Swim started, it was a masturbatory special feature for subscribers of the Sports magazine, featuring models in bikinis, when you could jerk off bikini pics because you didn’t have access to porn. It was sporty, featured athlete wives, introduced us to hot models when Social Media didn’t exist, but now, we already follow these model sluts who just want the SI stamp to charge more in their escorting….and celebrating a couple of Athletes, despite being a sports magazine that should only be on Athletes and not girls trying to get pregnant by Athletes…because Athletes aren’t always hot in bikinis, even though this Athlete, Ronda Rousey’s ass looks ok, when you take out the shoulders and factor in that those legs could choke you out when wrapped around your neck as you eat her dick clit out… The post Ronda Rousey Body Painted for Sports Illustrated of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ronda Rousey Body Painted for Sports Illustrated of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is Getting Slutty for Glamour of the Day

I once asked a Hollywood executive why Jennifer Lawrence got booked for all the jobs and he smiled and said “if you saw her first movie, the one she was nominated for an Academy Award for at 15, you’ll see she’s just got it…a natural talent”… That is code for “she makes us a lot of money”…. Prior to her sexting scandal that no one really cared about, I just thought she was quirky, awkward, boring…overrated…all the good stuff…but then I saw her tits and I got won over…and figure if she’s getting paid all this fucking money to be in movies, she should contractually be obligated to spread her asshole in at least one scene…that’s where she really excels. The nice thing about celebrity now, is that people are flimsy and can ruin careers overnight, giving us hope that one day, the only movies she get will involve spread asshole scenes.. The post Jennifer Lawrence is Getting Slutty for Glamour of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Lawrence is Getting Slutty for Glamour of the Day

Hailey Clauson Nude for Kenneth Willardt of the Day

Hailey Clauson is one of these hipster models who is making moves… She started modelling at 14, because people at modelling agencies and big brands are fucking perverts and don’t get arrested for recruiting teen girls – getting half naked for them. She did Wild Fox, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters and a whole bunch of other shit… When she was 16, she sued Urban Outfitters and their Photographer for putting out sexually suggestive pics of her – that her dad signed off on – and she got paid a huge settlement. Instead of that ruining her career, she still gets work, now at 19, and thank god for that – because she’s a fucking babe….and more importantly legal enough to get naked – and rich enough thanks to getting slutty at 16 for a major brand that shouldn’t be fucking with girls who are under 18 like they were the Dad on Seventh Heaven…. Here she is nude for Kenneth Willardt’s book.

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Hailey Clauson Nude for Kenneth Willardt of the Day