Tag Archives: inmate

Celebrity Photo Bombers!

• Celebrity Photo Bombers • Find The Ball • Ali Landry Is Still A Major Hottie • Jesus Would Be Appalled • Hottie On A Boat • 500-Pound Inmate Hid Gun In His Flab Continue reading

Splashback: This Week In Celebrity History

Time travels so quickly, which is why it’s good to know that our cameras have always been there to capture timeless images some of the most important moments in celebrity history. Take a trip down memory lane with us every Friday as we Splashback to what was happening on this week in celebrity history down the years.

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Splashback: This Week In Celebrity History

DNA mix-up kept suspected serial killer free

In Milwaukee, police say a mislabeled DNA sample made it possible for a suspected serial killer to avoid arrest for more than a decade. The man — now charged with seven murders — might have been arrested before some of the murders occurred if state officials hadn't lost his DNA sample. The error revealed a gaping hole in Wisconsin's DNA data bank and is spurring state officials to gather and verify thousands of DNA samples they thought were already in the system.

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DNA mix-up kept suspected serial killer free