Tag Archives: insists-the-two

The Catholic Church Calls Out PETA, Joanna Krupa

Thank you, Catholic Church! For months, The Hollywood Gossip has been calling out PETA for its attention-seeking tactics; the charity clearly cares more about making headlines with racy ads than actually saving animals. Now, we’ve got the backing of over one billion people, as the Catholic League has taken issue with PETA’s latest, ridiculous poster: a shot of Joanna Krupa naked , covering herself with a cross.

See the article here:
The Catholic Church Calls Out PETA, Joanna Krupa

Jason Trawick: Skinny, Smothered By Britney Spears?

Last week, rumors swirled about a supposed marriage proposal from Britney Spears to Jason Trawick – one her agent boyfriend turned down to her dismay. When he turned up in L.A

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Jason Trawick: Skinny, Smothered By Britney Spears?