Tag Archives: irwin-or-elle

Ariel Winter Knows her Angles of the Day

Ariel Winter has been on camera since she was a kid, so it’s second nature to her. The good days and the bad days, the days she felt good and the days she felt like shit….on camera…. Most people hate the camera, I mean traditionally most people hated the camera, before cell phone cameras happened and everyone started doing their own media training, ready for all pics…now everyone is a narcissistic fuck ready to be on camera… But the point of this was that she is comfortable on camera, looking her worst, or her best she doesn’t care….so she obviously knows her angles that make her look less fat…and that is what this bikini magic is….I don’t know what angle that is but it’s the leanest she’s looked with titty focal point for the big titty big girl…it works. Anyone who fucks fat girls knows missionary is the best approach, gravity is on your side, as long as the tits are harnessed….I guess she’s learned this the hard way. Well, as it turns out, she is back in the gym, showing the world her failed trainer training her… with hard nipples…because like many fat chicks…she’s got fat tits. ———————————- JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Ariel Winter Knows her Angles of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ariel Winter Knows her Angles of the Day

Paris Jackson Topless for Fashion of the Day

When Paris Jackson first started popping up in the media, I didn’t care much for her, I just thought another trust fund kid, who I can’t imagine is actually MJs kid, but if she was she was safe, thanks to her not being a little boy like Culkin…. But for some reason, besides her retarded tattoos, because I hate tattoos, or the fact that she fucks or dated or was bi sexual with Cara Delevingne, a mooch working every angle, undeserving of any and all attention she gets….. I now find her pretty fucking hot…. It’s funny how these things happen, but I blame perversion…and the willingness to want to have sex with anything under the age of 35 (the age women die)…or at least stare at their tits cuz sex is too cardio intensive for an obese impotent man like me. You get what I am saying, young in and of itself is hot….as is rich…as is….broken. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Paris Jackson Topless for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Paris Jackson Topless for Fashion of the Day

Margot Robbie Wet Swimsuit of the Day

I have been calling Margot Robbie a massive tank of a woman for the last 3 years or 4 years…I mean how many years has it been since Wolf of Wall Street when she existed thanks to a series of nude scenes… She’s up on some ORKA beached whale shit…all white and black and doing her whale calls…whilst being wide as fuck, heavy as fuck…living her best Marine Mammal life.. Yet, everyone gets mad at me for calling her a big girl, because they are either blind, or idiots, or I don’t know…too fucking horny for their own good, and victims of a marketing scheme to make you think she’s this amazing thing. Well, I’ve seen her movies, Oscar nominations or not…she’s boring….celebrated or not….she’s boring…paid well or not..she’s boring…and even her bathing suit pics are boring…because she’s boring. I don’t believe actors have talent, I don’t see how that is a thing…and I don’t think Margot Robbie is this amazing contribution to Amercian Pop Culture via Australia…like Steve Irwin or Elle Macpherson’s tits in the 1989 SI Swim VHS I jerked off to…but that’s what they want you to think so drink the kool aid you idiots. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Margot Robbie Wet Swimsuit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Margot Robbie Wet Swimsuit of the Day

Margot Robbie Wet Swimsuit of the Day

I have been calling Margot Robbie a massive tank of a woman for the last 3 years or 4 years…I mean how many years has it been since Wolf of Wall Street when she existed thanks to a series of nude scenes… She’s up on some ORKA beached whale shit…all white and black and doing her whale calls…whilst being wide as fuck, heavy as fuck…living her best Marine Mammal life.. Yet, everyone gets mad at me for calling her a big girl, because they are either blind, or idiots, or I don’t know…too fucking horny for their own good, and victims of a marketing scheme to make you think she’s this amazing thing. Well, I’ve seen her movies, Oscar nominations or not…she’s boring….celebrated or not….she’s boring…paid well or not..she’s boring…and even her bathing suit pics are boring…because she’s boring. I don’t believe actors have talent, I don’t see how that is a thing…and I don’t think Margot Robbie is this amazing contribution to Amercian Pop Culture via Australia…like Steve Irwin or Elle Macpherson’s tits in the 1989 SI Swim VHS I jerked off to…but that’s what they want you to think so drink the kool aid you idiots. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Margot Robbie Wet Swimsuit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Margot Robbie Wet Swimsuit of the Day