Tag Archives: all-attention

Ariel Winter Knows her Angles of the Day

Ariel Winter has been on camera since she was a kid, so it’s second nature to her. The good days and the bad days, the days she felt good and the days she felt like shit….on camera…. Most people hate the camera, I mean traditionally most people hated the camera, before cell phone cameras happened and everyone started doing their own media training, ready for all pics…now everyone is a narcissistic fuck ready to be on camera… But the point of this was that she is comfortable on camera, looking her worst, or her best she doesn’t care….so she obviously knows her angles that make her look less fat…and that is what this bikini magic is….I don’t know what angle that is but it’s the leanest she’s looked with titty focal point for the big titty big girl…it works. Anyone who fucks fat girls knows missionary is the best approach, gravity is on your side, as long as the tits are harnessed….I guess she’s learned this the hard way. Well, as it turns out, she is back in the gym, showing the world her failed trainer training her… with hard nipples…because like many fat chicks…she’s got fat tits. ———————————- JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Ariel Winter Knows her Angles of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ariel Winter Knows her Angles of the Day

Lily Rose Depp and Her Friend’s Ass in Tight Outfits of the Day

Lily Rose Depp is our favorite entitled rich girl trying to make a name for herself in a very lazy because she’s rich kind of way…thanks to being rich because her dad is Johnny Depp who made a lot of money off all the Disney Movies he did….and that we appreciate because he’s a fucking drunk. I don’t know why I like her, but there’s something pretty amazing about her, not necessarily cuz she’s in some leotard about to go to some Ballet or Gymnastics class to work on her flexibility, i think this outfit is just the trend now….you know bike shorts… I just know that I think she’s hot, and bratty and annoying or not…I don’t have to deal with that shit, I just get to look onto America’s royalty, celebrated for nothing she’s accomplished other than the house she’s born into, or in Johnny Depp’s case, one of his 15 houses….and that’s what matters…living that dream. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS

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Lily Rose Depp and Her Friend’s Ass in Tight Outfits of the Day

Paris Jackson Topless for Fashion of the Day

When Paris Jackson first started popping up in the media, I didn’t care much for her, I just thought another trust fund kid, who I can’t imagine is actually MJs kid, but if she was she was safe, thanks to her not being a little boy like Culkin…. But for some reason, besides her retarded tattoos, because I hate tattoos, or the fact that she fucks or dated or was bi sexual with Cara Delevingne, a mooch working every angle, undeserving of any and all attention she gets….. I now find her pretty fucking hot…. It’s funny how these things happen, but I blame perversion…and the willingness to want to have sex with anything under the age of 35 (the age women die)…or at least stare at their tits cuz sex is too cardio intensive for an obese impotent man like me. You get what I am saying, young in and of itself is hot….as is rich…as is….broken. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Paris Jackson Topless for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Paris Jackson Topless for Fashion of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima are Fun On Set of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima, a couple Brazilian old timers…have come together, yet again, thanks to the management at Victoria’s Secret…who think it is funny to listen to their Portuguese banter on set….or maybe they just like the way their South American asses compliment each other….but whatever the reason it’s all keep all those pesky white girls out of this one…today is fisherman friday….right…cuz all portuguese speaking people are fishermen…even then Brazilian ones….right? And all South Africans have AIDS thanks to losing their virginity to the black farmhand and/or blood diamond. And all the Eastern European ones are communists. And all the Americans get paid too much cuz they already have their citizenship and don’t need to eat shit for a greencard… Whatever the reason behind this glorious union….shit remains a glorious union….of ass TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima are Fun On Set of the Day

Chrissy Teigan Naked Spray Tan for Instagram of the DAy

Chrissy Teigan is my best friend on social media….and I even signed up to her food blog…because that’s just how tight we are….you see I write her insanity about being a gold digger cuz she’s marrying some Grammy award winning piano playing singer….and she ignores me…but once said something about loving the site…because let’s face it…everyone does….even if she ignores me every time I reach out…. I just assume it’s like we’re an old married couple who have never met..I talk, she ignores…I masturbate to other girls…but still follow her shit…cuz I feel obligated…even if her jokes aren’t that funny…and her focus should be spent on getting naked….something she finally delivered on today…..cuz she posted a pic of her mixed race ass gold digging wannabe comedian ass getting a spray tan…and sharing said spray tan with her followers…cuz she’s open about her life like that…and because she more importantly….she loves any and all attention…that’s what happens to girls who only do SI…but never make the cover of SI….they work harder on building their own brand….which is made easier when financed by some dude she groupied right. Who cares….oh right…I do….she’s lovely….

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Chrissy Teigan Naked Spray Tan for Instagram of the DAy