Tag Archives: issues-directed

Serena Williams Tennis Booty in a Bikini of the Day

Serena Williams embodies absolutley nothing tennis represents for me, and not because I am a white pant wearing socialite upper middle class motherfucker who sips cocktails at the tennis club, talking about my investments, or new ventures, while my mistress plays tennis as my wife spends my money shopping…but because I have always had a tennis fetish, maybe because I was never allowed in the tennis club, or maybe because skinny, fit, white girls flashing their panties while grunting like they are being savagely fucked up the ass as part of their sport is erotic…while these Serena Williams booty is just fucking savage…I mean it’s so big and scary and would require massive penis to deal with… The good news is I know so many white dudes, rich white dudes, who love being smothered by this kind of thing, because it’s different and got more flavor than the skinny white girls who are with them for their money… I am on the fence about whether this is good or bad, I just know I can’t stop staring…so it is something. TO SEE THE REST OF THE BIKINI PICS CLICK HERE

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Serena Williams Tennis Booty in a Bikini of the Day

Eva Longoria Bikini Ass of the Day

The funny thing about Tattoos that I don’t think people realize when they are getting tattoos is that they are date specific. It’s like they are usually on trend when these people get them, because as you know tattoos are trendy, and fast forward a decade and you can see exactly what era they are from, and in turn you can usually accurately guess the age of the botox face that’s trying to trick you…like this Eva Longoria character who I like to hate on because she’s Mexican, and as a half Mexican with mommy issues directed at my Mexican mom, I have no choice…but also because she’s the kind of Mexican who pretends she’s not Mexican and hires Mexican staff like a white girl, to boss around like a white girl, until it comes to casting a Mexican for a movie, something she’s probably craving to do, in which case she’ll bring the fucking Mexican, like she is Halle Berry playing the black girl, winning Oscars and shit, despite being barely talented, not that acting requires talent, but really just delusion that makes you not feel humiliated in situations you should be humiliated in… That said, she’s still got a good ass for a 40 year old….and I guess that counts for something…considering all it has been through…from NBA penis to god knows what else…it looks like it has survived…shitty tattoos and all… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Eva Longoria Bikini Ass of the Day