Tag Archives: its-consumption

First potentially habitable planet found outside our solar system: NASA

A team of “planet hunters” has announced the discovery of the first planet with the potential to harbour life outside our solar system. Researchers from the University of California Santa Cruz and the Carnegie Institution of Washington said Wednesday the planet has three times the mass of Earth and orbits its star at a distance that places it smack in the middle of the star's “habitable zone” — the vital zone where liquid water could exist on the planet's surface. If confirmed, it would be the most Earth-like exoplanet yet discovered and the first strong case for a potentially habitable one, NASA and the U.S.-based National Science Foundation said in a statement. Both organizations sponsored the research. “Our findings offer a very compelling case for a potentially habitable planet,” said Steven Vogt, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz who, with Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution, led the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey. “The fact that we were able to detect this planet so quickly and so nearby tells us that planets like this must be really common.” http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/world/First+potentially+habitable+planet+fou… added by: unimatrix0

It’s time to stop prohibition, enable a free society!

The Flower contrasts a utopian society that freely farms and consumes a pleasure giving flower with a society where the same flower is illegal and its consumption is prohibited. The animation is a meditation on the social and economic costs of marijuana prohibition. Animation by Haik Hoisington http://www.blackmustache.com Music & Sound Design by Ion Furjanic http://lavajumperstudios.bandcamp.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOAEB7xPWVI added by: shanklinmike

Watch: What a Legal Pot Economy Would Look Like

Sometimes a cartoon can be worth a thousand words. … or even more than 100,000. Haik Hoisington's 'Flower' video has hit a nerve and has gone viral on the internet. The Flower was released by the online news service AlterNet on July 29 – and in just five days has been viewed more than 175,000 times. This fall Californians will go the polls with a chance to make history. They will be able to cast a vote to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol or cigarettes. California's Proposition 19 is one of many similar initiatives cropping up on state ballots across the country. Whether it's calls for decriminalization or medical marijuana the end of cannabis prohibition has never seemed closer. In this short animated parable, “The Flower,” award winning artist Haik Hoisington contrasts a legal marijuana economy with an illegal one, to show how everyone stands to benefit from ending the war on weed. “The Flower” contrasts a utopian society that freely farms and consumes a pleasure giving flower with a society where the same flower is illegal and its consumption is prohibited. The animation is a meditation on the social and economic costs of marijuana prohibition. added by: Stoneyroad