Tag Archives: james l. brooks

REVIEW: How Do You Know Has Moments of Genius — But Too Many Cell Phones

A hanging statement rather than a question, the unpunctuated title of James L. Brooks’s How Do You Know is an apt reflection of the film’s amble toward a theory, in lieu of an answer. The subject, needless to say, is love: What’s the secret? Is there an algorithm yet? How, when one meets a new person, is it possible to separate emotional temperatures — where circumstance, experience, and need have led each of you to be in that exact moment — and access what true baseline there might be between you? And if it is possible, is it useful? Abandoning analysis for instinct hardly seems like the thing: The rhetoric of instant connections — clicking, chemistry, sparks — feels random and unreliable; the more acquisitive approach — involving checklists, potential, dealbreakers — is bloodless and overdetermined. To be a vampire, and at least have a few clear guidelines about letting the right one in!

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REVIEW: How Do You Know Has Moments of Genius — But Too Many Cell Phones

When Twitter Marketing Goes Wrong: How Do You Know Hashtag Causes Confusion, Derision

As Twitter has become a legitimate source of news, opinions and even a place for television pitches , movie studios have warmed to its other feature: Promotion. Toy Story 3 was the first film to buy “ad time” in the trending topics section , but many others have partaken in this bit of nuevo-marketing madness since then. The latest is How Do You Know , the James L. Brooks dramedy scheduled for release next month. Too bad that particular promoted hashtag isn’t going as well as Columbia Pictures probably hoped.

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When Twitter Marketing Goes Wrong: How Do You Know Hashtag Causes Confusion, Derision