Tag Archives: jeff bridges album

Enjoy Jeff Bridges’s 7 Finest Guitar Faces

Jeff Bridges is a busy dude. (Groan!) In addition to his planned appearance at the cast reunion of The Big Lebowski in New York on Tuesday night as part of Lebowski Fest (check back to Movieline for coverage of the event), the Oscar-winner released his self-titled country album on Tuesday . Bridges celebrated that event by performing selections from the record on SiriusXM’s ‘Outlaw Country’ channel on Monday afternoon, which meant only one thing: awesome Jeff Bridges guitar faces! Click through for a look.

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Enjoy Jeff Bridges’s 7 Finest Guitar Faces

Peter Jackson Introduces Still More of His Hobbit Dwarves

If you’re into sword-wielding dwarves with windblown hair, brooding stares and a hook-up to Middle-earth, does Peter Jackson have the men for you! After releasing photos of his epic film’s Company of Dwarves ( Dori, Nori, Ori , Óin and Glóin ) last week, the New Zealand director introduces fans to another dwarf duo today. Meet Kíli and Fíli.

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Peter Jackson Introduces Still More of His Hobbit Dwarves

VIDEO: Jeff Bridges Takes His Music Career Very Seriously

“Music, for me, is like a weed that keeps springing up,” says Jeff Bridges at the beginning of this six-minute behind-the-scenes look at the making of his self-titled album due out in August. The Oscar-winning star has been playing music since he was a teen, but it was Crazy Heart that really renewed his vigor in the performance art. Funny thing? He’s pretty great! He’s also Jeff Bridges, so you won’t be able to watch this without thinking of either The Dude or Jeff’d . Click ahead for the video.

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VIDEO: Jeff Bridges Takes His Music Career Very Seriously