Tag Archives: jeff-bridges

Enjoy Jeff Bridges’s 7 Finest Guitar Faces

Jeff Bridges is a busy dude. (Groan!) In addition to his planned appearance at the cast reunion of The Big Lebowski in New York on Tuesday night as part of Lebowski Fest (check back to Movieline for coverage of the event), the Oscar-winner released his self-titled country album on Tuesday . Bridges celebrated that event by performing selections from the record on SiriusXM’s ‘Outlaw Country’ channel on Monday afternoon, which meant only one thing: awesome Jeff Bridges guitar faces! Click through for a look.

See the article here:
Enjoy Jeff Bridges’s 7 Finest Guitar Faces

Here’s Your Chance to Buy the Big Lebowski Bungalow

In May, Big Lebowski fans had the opportunity to win the Dude’s cardigan sweater , and now the ultimate piece of Lebowski -memorabilia is up for sale: his Venice bungalow (rug not included). Just how much will the Dude’s estate run you?

Follow this link:
Here’s Your Chance to Buy the Big Lebowski Bungalow

Youth Fantasy Face-Off: Will Oscar Pill or The Seventh Son Become Your New Harry Potter?

Now that marketing is kicking into gear for the final half-chapter of the Harry Potter saga, fans everywhere are starting to feel the disappointment and sadness that comes with the ending of a beloved movie franchise. But you know who’s feeling it even more? Producers and studio execs! For them, ending this series is like taking a huge bulldozer to a perfectly healthy money tree! So naturally, everyone’s now scrambling to find the next Harry Potter . Right now, two children’s fantasy series, Eli Anderson’s Oscar Pill books and Joseph Delaney’s The Wardstone Chronicles , are competing for the prize. But which one will triumph?

More here:
Youth Fantasy Face-Off: Will Oscar Pill or The Seventh Son Become Your New Harry Potter?

Oscar Index: It’s All Over But the Crying

Oh, wow. Five months of awards coverage flies by so fast, but believe it: The ballots are in , the tuxes are tailored and the jewels are being rented as we speak. And the 2011 Academy Awards are right around the corner. This means, of course, one final trip to Movieline’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Kudos Forensics for the final Oscar Index of the 2010-11 season. Get the Kleenex, and let’s see what there is to see…

View post:
Oscar Index: It’s All Over But the Crying

Late Night Highlights: Howard Stern Attacks Jay Leno on David Letterman’s Couch

Anyone that listens to Howard Stern knows that he is a passionate hater of Jay Leno. So it was not surprising that the radio personality chose to sink his teeth into the ConanGate instigator while visiting the Late Show last night — but it was still very entertaining. Elsewhere, Justin Bieber switched bodies with Jon Stewart, Jeff Bridges discussed a Big Lebowski reunion, Dana Carvey talked about his upcoming Saturday Night Live gig, and Lisa Kudrow outed her flirty son.

Read more:
Late Night Highlights: Howard Stern Attacks Jay Leno on David Letterman’s Couch

DVD: Twelve Keeps the Our-Youth-Are-Doomed Genre Alive

You’ve probably heard this quote from eighth century BC philosopher Hesiod in some high school valedictorian’s speech: “I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words… When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint.” And so it goes, with each generation bemoaning the horrors of the new brats snapping at their heels.

Read the rest here:
DVD: Twelve Keeps the Our-Youth-Are-Doomed Genre Alive

Watch Buzz Lightyear and Mr. Incredible Do the Pixar Mashup

Oscar Index: Inception, ‘Steak Eaters’ on the Move

Well, here we go: Nomination ballots are in Academy voters’ mailboxes as of this week, meaning that the ” [m]ost over-covered, over-considered Oscar season ever ” just became that much more over-covered and over-considered. How can we ever hope to break it down? To the Index!

Read the original:
Oscar Index: Inception, ‘Steak Eaters’ on the Move

Oscar Index: Inception, ‘Steak Eaters’ on the Move

Well, here we go: Nomination ballots are in Academy voters’ mailboxes as of this week, meaning that the ” [m]ost over-covered, over-considered Oscar season ever ” just became that much more over-covered and over-considered. How can we ever hope to break it down? To the Index!

Originally posted here:
Oscar Index: Inception, ‘Steak Eaters’ on the Move

Celebrities Give Awful Health Advice, and 7 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Also in today’s edition of The Broadsheet: Reese Witherspoon gets engaged…Jeff Bridges on whether he was high at the Oscars…Clint Eastwood confirms a regal actress for his upcoming J. Edgar Hoover biopic…Ashton Kutcher prepares for an actual apocalypse…And more…

Read more here:
Celebrities Give Awful Health Advice, and 7 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today