Tag Archives: online-rental

VIDEO: Jeff Bridges Takes His Music Career Very Seriously

“Music, for me, is like a weed that keeps springing up,” says Jeff Bridges at the beginning of this six-minute behind-the-scenes look at the making of his self-titled album due out in August. The Oscar-winning star has been playing music since he was a teen, but it was Crazy Heart that really renewed his vigor in the performance art. Funny thing? He’s pretty great! He’s also Jeff Bridges, so you won’t be able to watch this without thinking of either The Dude or Jeff’d . Click ahead for the video.

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VIDEO: Jeff Bridges Takes His Music Career Very Seriously

New 50/50 Poster Previews Joseph Gordon Levitt’s Baldness

You might remember a recent cancer comedy called Funny People , but I’m in favor of forgetting it and looking forward to the new Seth Rogen/Joseph Gordon-Levitt tumor laugher 50/50 . It comes out Sept. 30, but for now, we may gaze into the sheared follicles on JGL’ s head. The grimness and tweeness should combine into an agreeable mixture I’ll call (500) Days of Mysterious Skin .

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New 50/50 Poster Previews Joseph Gordon Levitt’s Baldness

VIDEO: Here Are Your Two Favorite New Web Series, Featuring Movieline’s Louis Virtel

In the single most important viral video development since Epic Sax Guy’s 10-hour megacut hit YouTube, a pair of new shows featuring Movieline’s own Louis Virtel have made their debuts online. One of them also features a guest spot by our one and only Julie Miller; the other will forever change the way you perceive Target — especially its logo. Exciting! Click through and let’s play two.

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VIDEO: Here Are Your Two Favorite New Web Series, Featuring Movieline’s Louis Virtel

New Netflix Pricing Plans Will Upset You

It looks like you’re going to have to mail that copy of Crash back to Netflix. The online rental site announced new pricing plans on Tuesday, which effectively phase out DVD s for the frugal consumer. Gone is the unlimited streaming plus one DVD for $9.99 per month option, replaced with two separate $7.99 options — one for DVD s and one for streaming. If subscribers want the choice of both, the package costs $15.98. Begin shaking your fist at the sky… now. [ The Netflix Blog ]

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New Netflix Pricing Plans Will Upset You