Tag Archives: jenny-konner

Lena Dunham: Amanda Bynes is a Genius!

In the past, when Lena Dunham was feeling starved for attention she’d just take off her clothes on premium cable.  But these days she has a new book to promote, and apparently serious authors don’t strip down at readings, so Lena’s been forced to get creative with her shock value antics. We already know  Dunham slept with her parents until she was 12 , and that revelation didn’t go viral the way Lena clearly hoped it would, so now she’s pulling out all the stops.  Yes, the woman responsible for some of the grossest televised visuals outside of Westeros has hit a new low, as Dunham has taken to publicly praising the sad online ramblings of a young mental patient:   Discussing – for some reason – the ongoing Amanda Bynes saga during a recent promotional event, Lena didn’t express her shock at  Bynes falsely accusing her father of sexual assault,  or her sympathy for the mentally ill and their families. No, instead, Dunham bafflingly praised Bynes’ ability to post compelling tweets.  “She did say something kind of similar [to Dunham’s character on Girls],” Lena told a crowd in New York over the weekend. “Which was ‘I’m not crazy, I’m actually the one who knows everything that’s happening.” “I texted [Girls co-creator Jenny Konner] and said, ‘Maybe I’m nuts but I think Amanda Bynes is actually kind of a great writer. Do you know what I mean?’ She was like, ‘I don’t know what you mean!'” Yeah…neither does anyone else Lena. It’s worth noting that the “everything that’s happening” to which Bynes was a false accusation of child molestation that Bynes later retracted and blamed on a microchip planted in her brain . Even if the whole rant had been really cleverly phrased (it wasn’t) the takeaway would still be, “Wow, that’s really sad. Hopefully she gets the help she needs,” not, “Damn, that girl can tweet! ” 29 WTF Quotes From Lena Dunham’s New Book When I was nine, I wrote a vow of celibacy on a piece of paper and ate it. Permalink: Mmm. Delish Added: October 01, 2014 1. Mmm. Delish When I was nine, I wrote a vow of celibacy on a piece of paper and ate it.

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Lena Dunham: Amanda Bynes is a Genius!