Tag Archives: jirickova-elle

Kate Upton The Men Magazine of the Day

Kate Upton put her big tits to good use, as she does some magazine called The Man Magazine, which I guess creates sexist content for men, that make treat us like tit loving, 6-pack ab wanting, trying to get laid, idiots…as men magazines do…I’ve never heard of the magazine, because I am more about looking at girl’s assholes, working on getting as fat as I can without dying, and prefer my face smothered by hookers than sex with sluts I meet in a club…I guess I’m not a generic man, designed to live the life the media wants me to…. Either way, they photo shopped her so hard that she looked like a Sears catalog, despite being a buffet owner’s worst nightmare, the kind of girl who throws off their pricing model by eating all the fucking food…. But I guess when she’s photoshopped her tits look less sloppy and that’s a good thing…

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Kate Upton The Men Magazine of the Day

Hana Jirickova Hot in a Bathing Suit of the Day

THis Hana Jirikova has the name of a failed mail order bride turned fashion model who has SHOWN HER TITS , but is not like other girls with similar name who are sex workers in resort towns around the world….because her height was something that the mafia that runs this shit could monetize more than making her into a cam girl, pornstar or other hooker these soulless easter European girls do… But then again, she could be from the midwest…and her dad could be an engineer or middle manager, but where is the fun in that storyline…I prefer Czech brothels for rich people…and I guess she’s making moves because she had this massive spread, half naked, and amazing, in what is actually one of my favorite bikini shoots I’ve seen in a long time for some Elle France type magazine…

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Hana Jirickova Hot in a Bathing Suit of the Day