Tag Archives: looking-at-girl

Kate Upton The Men Magazine of the Day

Kate Upton put her big tits to good use, as she does some magazine called The Man Magazine, which I guess creates sexist content for men, that make treat us like tit loving, 6-pack ab wanting, trying to get laid, idiots…as men magazines do…I’ve never heard of the magazine, because I am more about looking at girl’s assholes, working on getting as fat as I can without dying, and prefer my face smothered by hookers than sex with sluts I meet in a club…I guess I’m not a generic man, designed to live the life the media wants me to…. Either way, they photo shopped her so hard that she looked like a Sears catalog, despite being a buffet owner’s worst nightmare, the kind of girl who throws off their pricing model by eating all the fucking food…. But I guess when she’s photoshopped her tits look less sloppy and that’s a good thing…

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Kate Upton The Men Magazine of the Day