Tag Archives: joel coen

Oscar Index: Inception, ‘Steak Eaters’ on the Move

Well, here we go: Nomination ballots are in Academy voters’ mailboxes as of this week, meaning that the ” [m]ost over-covered, over-considered Oscar season ever ” just became that much more over-covered and over-considered. How can we ever hope to break it down? To the Index!

See the article here:
Oscar Index: Inception, ‘Steak Eaters’ on the Move

On VOD: 7 Films Far Preferable to The Human Centipede

Hubbub aside, there are other slabs of fresh kill available on VOD besides The Human Centipede , which reminded me mostly of the Franken-toys crawling through Sid’s bedroom in Toy Story , a scene that was far more chilling. And you didn’t pity the actors. (Also, come on: The “centipede” idea wouldn’t work at all. After one G.I. tract is done with foodstuff, there’s nothing left for the next two! They’d starve! Come on!) No, better to search the cloud for more life-affirming grist — because, well, you’re alive, and your mouth isn’t sewn to my anus.

The rest is here:
On VOD: 7 Films Far Preferable to The Human Centipede