Tag Archives: john holdren

Video: White House Science Czar Says He Would De-Develop United States

NewsBusters sister site CNSNews.com recently caught up with Obama’s science czar John Holdren. When questioned about his comments on de-developing the United States Holdren had this to say: For more CNS News videos make sure you check out their Eyeblast channel .

Here is the original post:
Video: White House Science Czar Says He Would De-Develop United States

Video: John Holdren Says Lets Use Cap and Trade Taxes to Give Money to Other Countries

The Obama administration’s top science advisor, John Holdren, was caught on tape advocating for global wealth redistribution back in 2008. In this clip, unearthed by Eyeblast.tv, Holdren says that we should use tax revenue from a cap and trade type bill to pay other countries in the global south. Make sure you read this article from CNSNews.com for more details on Holdren’s radical views.

Read more from the original source:
Video: John Holdren Says Lets Use Cap and Trade Taxes to Give Money to Other Countries