Tag Archives: John Mcclain

Dogfight Shaping Up in Jackson Probate

Filed under: Michael Jackson Katherine Jackson’s lawyer is officially squaring off with the two men Michael Jackson selected to handle his estate, claiming the co-executors are intentionally trying to keep Jackson’s mom in the dark.Londell McMillan just issued a statement making … Permalink

Go here to see the original:
Dogfight Shaping Up in Jackson Probate

Rowdy Roddy Piper Charged with DUI

Filed under: Drunks TMZ has learned the L.A. City Attorney has decided to file criminal charges against “Rowdy” Roddy Piper for his DUI bust earlier this month.

Read more from the original source:
Rowdy Roddy Piper Charged with DUI

Susan Boyle Is a Child?

Filed under: We’re Just Sayin’ Here’s refurbished Internet singing sensation Susan Boyle in her latest interview on the “Today” show (left) — and late TV chef Julia Child back in the day (right). One of them cooked up a career.We’re just sayin’.

Originally posted here:
Susan Boyle Is a Child?

Home Video Sheds Insight on Jackson Family

Filed under: Michael Jackson For those curious about the kind of home Michael Jackson’s kids would grow up in under Katherine and Joe, some never-before-seen video of the family may be the best glimpse.The more than 40-hours of footage — showing Joe with several grandchildren … Permalink

The rest is here:
Home Video Sheds Insight on Jackson Family

Katherine Jackson — I Will Be Heard!

Katherine Jackson wants “a seat at the table” in all matters involving Michael Jackson’s estate.Katherine’s lawyer, Londell McMillan, tells us Katherine called him the day Michael died, asking him to come to the house. McMillan says when he showed up ..

Excerpt from:
Katherine Jackson — I Will Be Heard!

Why is Michael’s Mom Mounting Legal Challenge?

Sources connected to Michael Jackson’s family tell us some family members as well as lawyers for the estate are ticked off at some legal eagles who may be trying to start a legal war.Attorneys Londell McMillan and Burt Levitch do not represent … Permalink

Read the original:
Why is Michael’s Mom Mounting Legal Challenge?