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Doug Jones Will Reportedly Appoint An All-White Senior Staff

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  D oug Jones made history in Alabama last week, but things are already looking shaky for the folks who supported him. As we reported, on a Sunday interview with CNN, the Senator-elect from Alabama said that people should “move on” from Donald Trump ‘s sexual assault allegations. The comment was bizarre, considering part of the reason he won in Alabama was due to people not wanting a pedophile in the U.S. Senate. Imagine if voters “moved on” from Roy Moore’s sexual misconduct accusations and decided to focus on “real issues.” See below: Sen.-elect Doug Jones of Alabama doesn’t join the several Senate Democrats calling for President Trump to step down: “I think we need to move on and not get distracted by those issues … I don’t think the President ought to resign right now” #CNNSOTU https://t.co/EAY9mhL1QI — CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) December 17, 2017 Now, it appears to have gotten even worse. Writer and activist Shaun King is reporting Jones will appoint an all-White senior staff in Alabama because he feels “burdened.” See the tweet below: Have now had a few people tell me that they believe Doug Jones, who was propelled to victory by nearly unanimous Black support, is likely to appoint an all-white Senior Staff. He “feels burdened” to appeal to conservatives in Alabama, they say. — Shaun King (@ShaunKing) December 21, 2017 Let’s hope this isn’t true, especially considering the only reason Doug Jones won was because of the Black vote. If he wants to represent his constituents, he should have a diverse senior cabinet. Twitter clearly wasn’t here for it: Doug Jones Remember RE-ELECTION is going to come! There are qualified African Americans in Alabama! — valerie282 (@valerie282) December 21, 2017 Dear Doug Jones…. Sincerely, Black community !! pic.twitter.com/zMkxrGQxDu — coopcon (@conniecooper558) December 21, 2017 Doug Jones also wouldn’t speak out against Trump’s sexual harassment. Still better than Moore, But hire minorities, please! — Karen Wolsey (@karenewolsey) December 21, 2017 You know who feels burdened…?!? #DougJones — Samantha (@ShaakTi33) December 21, 2017 And how can Doug Jones feel burdened already! He hasn’t done a damn thing YET! Damn! Hes tired already? Oh Lord! — Deanne Price (@hulahamom) December 21, 2017 All eyes are on you, Mr. Jones. SOURCE: Twitter SEE ALSO: Will Alabama’s Black Voters Turnout For Crucial Senate Race? President Donald Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims Could Lead To More Voter Suppression

Doug Jones Will Reportedly Appoint An All-White Senior Staff