Tag Archives: jos schwartz

TV Bites: Diane Keaton Finds Her Inner Blogger

The Gossip Girl Pun Index: Wedding Bell Blues

Since the kids on Gossip Girl are too young to get married — but not too young to own hotels or work in the fashion industry — the traditional wedding episode that you’d expect to see in the third season of a series fell to the likes of Dorota the maid and her boyfriend, Vanya the doorman. And while their “bedding” — as Vanya called it in his best John Malkovich-in- Rounders accent — was adorable, it was like a daisy growing out of a garbage heap. For the rest of the characters, last night’s Gossip Girl , “The Unblairable Lightness of Being,” offered the usual array of lying, cheating, back-stabbing and even a little heartbreak (say it ain’t so, Blair and Chuck!). Oh, and puns. Lots of patented, Gossip Girl-voiced, puns. How did they all rank? To the list!

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The Gossip Girl Pun Index: Wedding Bell Blues