Tag Archives: joseph-leiter

Timothy Busfield Cleared in Movie Groping Case

A movie date night turned recently went really awry for Timothy Busfield, but the actor has been cleared in the sexual assault investigation that followed. No charges will be filed. The former West Wing and Thirtysomething star was accused of sexual assault by a woman who said he groped her breasts and genitals at the movies. According to reports, the 55-year-old got into this mess after the duo began smooching during a screening at a Thousand Oaks, Calif., theater. Apparently he thought the date was going better than she did. In any case, the cops investigated the matter and prosecutors declined to file charges. Insufficient evidence existed, so that’s that. The case has been officially closed … even if uncomfortable, borderline hilarious imagery lingers. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Timothy Busfield Cleared in Movie Groping Case

Nicki Minaj Pushes for FREE Universal Health Care

Yvette Wilson passed away from cancer a few days ago, and while the actress’ death has left Nicki Minaj in tears, it’s also left her irate. At the American health care system. In a series of Tweets posted not long after Wilson died, Minaj went off on current policy and even addressed President Barack Obama at one point. “What’s sad is that when Yvette was bringing home the bacon, the gov’t was probably taking millions.On her deathbed though, #Nowheretobefound,” Nicki wrote. “That should be a God given right! Even with Obama Care, too much involved. Just give FREE health care to all. @barackobama What can we do? “@BarackObama I wouldn’t mind the millions they took if it was going to healthcare. Why should a poor person struggle to pay for MEDS sir?” The President, of course, is too busy helping Amanda Bynes avoid a DUI charge, but Member Questo of The Roots replied to Minaj’s Tweets with one of his own: “@NICKIMINAJ i personally know that the white house administration would LOVE for you to use ur tweet power to raise health care awareness.” Are you in favor of universal health care, readers?

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Nicki Minaj Pushes for FREE Universal Health Care

Dottie Sandusky Testifies at Husband’s Child Sex Abuse Trial

Dottie Sandusky, whose disgraced husband Jerry Sandusky is accused of 52 felony counts of child sex abuse, took the stand in his trial Tuesday afternoon. Dottie Sandusky has stood by her husband, posting his bail, accompanying him to court and issuing a statement last year that proclaimed his innocence. Whether her remarks will change the direction of the case is an open question, but her testimony, at least early on, focused on how she and Jerry met. Jerry Sandusky Trial: Wife to Testify? One witness has testified that he was attacked the Sanduskys’ basement and tried to cry out for help when Dottie was upstairs, only to be ignored. Dottie, who is not charged with any crimes, says all the accusers are lying. Also Tuesday, Sandusky’s attorney closely questioned two Pennsylvania state police investigators about whether they coached Jerry Sandusky accusers . One of the troopers, Cpl. Joseph Leiter, now retired, acknowledged to lawyer Joe Amendola that he told at least one alleged victim of the former Penn State coach that they “wouldn’t be alone” if they came forward because “there were others.” Sandusky is accused of molesting 10 children over a 15-year period.

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Dottie Sandusky Testifies at Husband’s Child Sex Abuse Trial